part 1 prologue

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3 years before the events of the original series.

As I look into the eyes of my new wife both of our hands connected together I couldn't help but feel joyful. Her kind violet eyes looked into my blue eyes at this wedding celebration there was no family there were no friends it was just the two of us and the clergyman that married us. It was funny how we began to love each other originally we were after the same Target it was a brutal fight I had a broken sword she had a butcher's knife to most onlookers we probably look like sociopaths or just people who are slightly competent with blades. After the mission I found myself walking around the Empire waiting for my next assignment I would often see her it took me a month to work up the courage to just talk to her. At first, she played it off as she didn't know me but after several weeks she eventually dropped her guard enough to start talking to me she was for lack of a better term an airhead. I always found that side to be extremely cute about her. After many months of talking and seeing each other and sharing one evening together I proposed to her at first she was flustered and a bit hesitant but slowly she came around to the idea. We were both part of the Revolutionary Army in a way I was a soldier she was an assassin. I was 17 she was 20 there was only a small bit of the age difference between the two of us but our natural way of life made us grow up faster. We stayed together for one more night before I would go off on my next mission I would be heading to the northern regions of the empire I knew that I would return but I still wanted to reassure her that I would be back one day.

Sheele pov

I looked at my new husband he was a strong man every bit a soldier of the Revolutionary Army. He had been my first kiss and the first person I had gone to bed with despite his age he was actually far more mature than he let on a little bit Brash in a little bit cocky at times. His eyes betrayed a hidden strength that only he seemed to know about. I had to admit when he proposed to me I was caught off guard how could somebody like him love somebody like me and it was also the way he said it how he looked at me it was really something else almost something out of this world. For some very strange reason, I felt protected by him as if no matter what happened no matter how horrible things got so long as he was around I would always be safe. As I looked at the moon he spoke finally

Y/A- Sheele ill be going as soon as the rain lets up.

Sheele- I understand

There was a long silence before I said what was really on my mind.

Sheele- when will you be back?

Y/A stayed quiet for a long time before he answered he didn't want to give a false promise but he also didn't want her to worry too much.

Y/A- six months to a year at most depending on what HQ has to say.

Sheele took the news not as well as I would hope she narrowed her eyes.

Sheele- the moment you're done with your mission come back here immediately.

She said all this in a very stern voice that betrayed no hint of anger at the fact that I was going to be gone for so long. But there was nothing I could do about that. Rather than answer her question completely I pulled her into an embrace and laid my lips upon hers and kissed her. After several moments we separated.

Y/A- I'll be back as soon as I can I promise.

Sheele- I'll trust you to do the right thing

Even though her expression was still the same kind and thoughtful the look that she had ever since I met her I could sense that she was worried. Ever since I was young I could always feel people's feelings and their emotions and as I have gotten older I've realized that this power that I possessed also could do other things. I had slowly gained a reputation in the Revolutionary army people had referred to me as ghost hand. I didn't fully understand this power and part of me didn't really want to it kept me safe and it kept me alive and maybe I could now do the same thing for my wife. However, it wasn't time for me to tell her this particular little secret. The rain was slowly starting to slow down it was time for me to leave with one last look at my wife I kissed her one more time and told her that I would see her soon and I ran. I couldn't bear to look back to see her face I didn't want to see the pain look in her eyes. We are both professionals we both had jobs to do and mine would always be a soldier. The Target that I was going after was a general he possessed a Teigu if I could kill him I could claim his weapon for myself. As I continue to walk I became very much aware of a presents something cold something so full of hate and pain that it caused me to stop in my tracks. I couldn't understand what it was I was feeling. I continue to walk slowly feeling out what I was sensing was it a person or was it a danger Beast? As I reached the corner I passed a girl wearing white clothing with long black hair and red eyes. She looked at me once and I looked at her once and continue to walk. I could not feel her Aura she was suppressing it but If I could feel something from her something deep in her core that was screaming to be released. But what I was sensing wasn't coming from her or the people in her group. What I was sensing was something beyond my understanding. What I was sensing there was only one word for was evil.

Akame pov

I passed by a man with dark Brown hair who looked to be 17 if not a little bit older. His body seemed like it was fine tuned to the battlefield. Nothing that Akame had not seen before but still.  As I took one last glance at him as he was heading toward the Imperial gates to leave the main city his black coat fluttering in the wind behind him I suddenly felt like I had seen this before somewhere. Green notice that I was on edge about something.

Green- hay Akame you ok does the weather have you down?

Akame- no I'm just thinking

Green- about what?

Akame looked to the sky in the distance she can see dangerous lightning flickering through the sky.

Akame-  The future and what it may hold for all of us.

The elite 7 continued on their journey to the Imperial palace.

Present day

A/Y pov

Originally I thought my mission was only going to last at the most a year but then one year fell off the calendar and then another and the next thing I knew three years had passed. I had gained my Teigu even though it cost me to get it from its original owner the sacrifice was well worth the cost in my opinion. But now after so many years of waiting I was finally going to return to the imperial capital. Apparently, the higher-ups thought it would be better if I was in the imperial capital. I never did find out exactly what it was that I was feeling that day I had set out on my Mission it was such a distance thing it was something I couldn't exactly understand every time I thought I was getting close to always seemed to move away just out of sight just out of mind. I was taking the long way back to the imperial capital. I'd been on the road for 3 days. The village that I was in now was a quaint and quiet place that had been taxed almost into Oblivion by the minister. As I was going through I saw three youths ahead of me I could almost overhear their conversation that they were going to go to the Empire and join the military to help their Village. A noble goal by any normal means but they would have been better off joining nearly 10 years ago but now everybody was trying to join the Imperial military just so they wouldn't starve to death. These kids were one out of thousands that would join and die very quickly.

Tatsumi pov

As me and Ieyasu and Sayo we're saying our final goodbyes to the chief of our village we noticed a stranger dressed in head to foot black leaving as well his dark brown hair hung down almost to his shoulders. Something about him seemed very much off he only stayed in our village a few days so I didn't get a chance to get his name or know anything about him the chief said that he paid upfront for his lodgings. That was all fine and good but why did I have this sense this feeling that there is something about him that wasn't quite right.

Chief- I see you are going ahead with your journey my young friend. May peace be with you.

The Strangers stopped and turned to look at us his blue eyes held an intensity that seemed just as inhuman as his appearance and seemed just as out of place.

Y/A-  Thank you village elder and may peace be upon you as well

The four of us watched as he continued to walk away he seemed uninterested in the world around him. He just seemed focused on his path as the snow fell around him and the wind blew. The man raised the hood of his jacket to cloak his head from the falling snow.

Sayo- hey come on guys we got to go he's walking towards the imperial capital to and it maybe better if we actually stuck together as a group.

Ieyasu- I'm happy with it just being the three of us. It doesn't look like he's really interested in having company. What do you think Tatsumi?

Tatsumi- we'll make our own way to the capital. I wouldn't want to annoy him.

The chief of the village pulled out a small statue from his coat and handed it to me.

Chief- May the god of the path of Peace watch over the three of you all three of you have been pushing each other since you were very young I know you'll make the village proud.

Tatsumi- we will see you around.

And with that, the three of us left it didn't take long for us to catch up with the other stranger his long black jacket blowing in the wind as he kept walking forward. After a few hours, we came to a fork in the road the stranger took the right side while we took the left side that would lead us to the Capital much faster. I couldn't exactly shake the feeling that I was going to see that stranger again someday soon.

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