Kakyoin x Reader: ROOFTOP

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It was lunch time at your high school, and you couldn't be more excited to dig into your food. This morning you secretly watched your mother prepare a pretty complicated looking bento box for you, and you had been dying to get a proper look at it all day. The more you thought about it, the hungrier you got. It was getting to the point where you were ready to just whip it out in the middle of class and start eating it, but when the saving grace of the bell finally rang out you couldn't help but internally cheer.

You were skipping down the halls of your school, your lunch in hand. You knew exactly where you were going to enjoy this food today: on the roof of the school. After all, it was quite beautiful out today, and a tasty lunch should always be enjoyed in warming sunlight. As you made your way down the corridor and up some stairs you hummed cheerfully to yourself. You were so caught up in thinking about all the delicious food your mother had packed for you that you didn't even notice the shadow of a figure lurking nearby.

As you rounded the corner to the final set of stairs that led to the roof, you were surprised when you felt a sudden and sharp pain in your knee. You gasped at the sudden feeling, stumbling back a few steps and nearly falling down the stairs you had just come up. If it wasn't for the person standing in front of you that quickly reached out to grab your hand, you most certainly would have taken a tumble.

"Ah! Thank you," you chuckled lightly with your eyes closed, a thin layer of embarrassment making itself present on your rosy cheeks.

"It's no problem," the person in front of you responded.

The voice of the person that saved you caught you off guard. It sounded... familiar. Too familiar if you asked yourself. You slowly opened your eyes to be met with the piercing gaze of none other than Noriaki Kakyoin, the boy who sat next to you in class that you had a minor, - scratch that - major crush on. He was sporting a kind smile, though the corners of his mouth twitched every now and then. You suspected he was annoyed with your clumsiness, but when your eyes focused on a thin stream of blood trailing down from his nose you realized he had a much bigger reason to be upset with you.

"AH!," your jaw dropped instantly, and your hand naturally reached into your uniform pocket, pulling out a handkerchief and dabbing the blood away. "I-I'm so sorry Kakyoin! I totally kneed you in the face didn't I? Ahh! I wasn't paying attention at all, please forgive me! Let me take you to the nurse so we can make sure you're okay. A-and to make up for it I'll share my lunch with you! I saw my mom making it this morning and there should be some pretty good stuff in-"

"Do you honestly think your lunch is going to be enough to make up for this damage to my beautiful face?" Kakyoin's tone was serious, and it caused your heart to sink.

Your eyes darted to the ground, "I-I guess not...."

"That was a joke!," Kakyoin responded in a hurry, frantically trying to bring back the lighthearted mood of the situation. 

"Huh?" you looked back up at him.

"Sorry, I guess I did sound a little too serious," he smiled nervously, scratching the back of his head.

It was then that you noticed you were still holding your handkerchief up to his face. Your fingers were gently brushing across his soft skin, and the realization sent your heart into a frenzy. You retracted your hand quickly, bringing the bloody cloth along with you. Before you could bring it too close to your body, Kakyoin snatched the fabric out of your hand.

"I don't want you to get any of my blood on you," he brought it back up to his nose that was still trickling blood.


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