Bucciarati x Reader: GROWN

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You were running down an alley way, skirt torn and exposing parts of your skin that were not meant for the public eye. Cuts and bruises were scattered across your body, blood dripping from some of them and creating a thin trail on the ground as you ran. You did your best to hold what was left of your top up, struggling since the straps had been torn off and you so badly wanted to use your arms to propel you forward as you ran. 

The streets of Naples had never been the safest, and you knew this. Not in a million years though, did you ever think you would be subjected to the horrors hiding behind corners. You had heard of girls getting snatched off the sides of streets and taken to secret locations to be sold for... disgusting  things, but you never would have guessed you were a target for that market.

Your mind flew into a world of panic as you heard the voices of your pursuers coming closer and closer. Your legs burned and begged you to stop. That was not an option. To stop meant to disappear. To lose. Somewhere along the way though, you had taken a bad turn as you ow stared  at a dead end. There was no way you would be able to turn around without being caught. Your legs shook from fear, hands trembling as you bit your nails nervously. 

What's going to happen to me, was the only question in your mind at the moment.

The voices were closer than ever now, and just when you had all but lost any bit of hope you had left, some strange phenomenon appeared before your eyes. You couldn't believe it. There was... a zipper? It had appeared on the wall in front of you, and slowly it unzipped itself. A pair of eyes emerged from behind the zipper, then a face, and the upper half of a young man.

You were immediately captivated by him, and made no objections when he pulled you into his seemingly impossible hiding place with him, closing the space off just as your pursuers came into sight.

That was the first time you had met Capo, Bruno Bucciarati. You were 18 at the time. Three years later and you're still as captivated by the gang member than ever. Everything about the man that saved you was perfect in your eyes, there were no flaws to him. He was strong, always walking with pride and drawing the attention of others whenever he entered the room. He typically wore an expression of stone, but every once in awhile a small smile would break through and melt your heart. He was well dressed, never allowing anything to stain his suits even while on missions. And above all he was kind, taking in the frail youth of Italy's streets.

He cared for everyone in his group as if they were his own children. Bucciarati didn't show it much but he truly loved each and every one of you dearly. Should anything happen to his family he adopted, he would be devastated. He always made sure everyone was eating proper meals and taking care of themselves. When he noticed something off about any of the teens beneath him, he would pester them until they confessed what was bothering them. To you, Narancia, Fugo, Mista, and Giorno he was more like a mother figure than a Capo. 

Perhaps that was the one thing you didn't like about him. 

You hated that he viewed you as a child.

You were 21 now, and he was 23. He was only two years older than you, yet he viewed you with the same eyes a mother uses to gaze at her newborn baby. It plagued your very existence next to him. If you could just do something, anything, that would make him see you as an adult then maybe you would actually have a chance with him. But what could you possibly do to make him see you as such? It felt as though you had already done everything you possibly could. In the end you had no choice but to turn to Abbacchio, the oldest member of your group.

"Say," you spoke out one day when the two of you were left alone in the usual restaurant of the group. "Can I ask you something?"

"You just did," the ex officer's eyes remained trained on the book he was reading.

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