Fugo x Gender Neutral!Reader: SUPPORT

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Requested By: xX_Cherry_ShotXx



"Fugos been gone for quite awhile, do you think he's okay?" Y/n heard Abbacchio's voice from the kitchen, and their interest was immediately peaked.

"I'm not sure, maybe the job ended up taking a bit longer than he expected," Bucciarati wondered aloud.

Y/n peered their head around the corner, observing the two men who looked deep in thought. "What's wrong with Fugo?"

"Ah, Y/n. Not much, I just sent him out on a mission this morning but it's taking a bit longer than expected for him to return." Bucciarati explained.

Y/n tilted their head slightly. "Who'd you send him with? If it was Narancia they probably got into a stupid argument along the way."

"I sent him alone." A quick flash of regret came over Bucciarati's face as he noticed Y/n visibly tense.

"You did what?" Y/n didn't give their Capo the chance to respond before scolding him. "What were you thinking?! Bucciarati, you of all people should know how much Fugo hates using his stand! How could you send him on a mission alone?! You should have known doing that would force him into a position of brining out Purple Haze!"

"Watch your tone, Y/n," Abbacchio stood in defense of Bucciarati.

"No, they're right. I probably should have sent someone else with him. It's possible that he finished the mission long ago but is too disgusted with himself to return now..." Bucciarati brought his hand to his chin.

"Where'd you send him." Y/n's voice was angry, though inside their heart was wavering. Out of everyone in the gang they were closet to Fugo, and they knew first hand just how fragile his heart could be at times.

"He should be in the outskirts of Naples, about 30 minutes south."

"Send me address, I'll bring him back."

"Y/n you don't have to-"

"Yes I do. I have to make sure he's okay. What if he doesn't come back on his own?"

"You're jumping to conclusions, Y/n." Abbacchio interjected.

"So what if I am!? If something happened to him and I wasn't there to protect him I could never forgive myself!"

"Let Y/n go, I didn't have any missions lined up for them today anyways." Bucciarati looked down at his phone, typing in a few things before returning his gaze to Y/n. A soft ping rang out from their phone and they glanced down at it, noticing he sent them an address. "Bring him back, Y/n."

They gave him a curt nod being turning on their heel and leaving, grabbing a random set of keys on the way out. It didn't matter which vehicle they belonged to so long as it would be enough to get Y/n to Fugo's location. With expert precision, they pulled the car out form where it was parked and began the drive. The GPS estimated it would take about 33 minutes to get where Fugo was supposed to be. Y/n was determined to make it 15.

Taking a multitude of back roads, they were able to avoid any cops or pedestrians that may have added time to the drive. Though, that also meant going off road at times. The car Y/n ended up with wasn't particularly meant for such use, but they showed no intention of driving properly.

The GPS announced the arrival to the destination. With no hesitation Y/n sprung out of the car, not even bothering to close the door before running. They were in a more suburban part of town, fairly open with a few alleyways. It was likely Fugo would be down one of them. Y/n's head whipped around, placing a picture to every sound they heard. Still, they could not hear anything that sounded like Fugo. Only the chipper tweets of birds as they jumped from tree branch to tree branch. 

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