Fugo x Reader: WORRIES

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Requested by: KillerQueenDuck


"Hey, has anyone seen Fugo anywhere? Narancia was asking me a question about something he was teaching but I have no clue what he's talking about." You rounded the corner into the main room, immediately being greeted by Purple Haze.

The Stand stood in front of you, gazing down at you with its harsh eyes. You raised an eyebrow at it, wondering if Fugo was nearby and pissed off at something. The diamond patterned figure looked at its own hand before looking back at you. It repeated this action a few times before hesitantly hovering its palm over your head. Purple Haze looked at you with large puppy eyes and you giggled as you stood on your tiptoes, meeting the top of your head to its hand.

It looked shocked and slightly scared at first, but eventually started to laugh at its fingers relaxed against the top of your head. A bit of drool slipped from between its stitched mouth and Purple Haze almost looked embarrassed as it pulled its hand back to wipe away the saliva. You laughed to yourself, reaching under Haze's visor and scratching the underside of its chin as if it were a dog.

"Did you call for me, Y/n?" You could see Fugo appear from the other side of the room. He looked confused at first to see his stand out without his permission, but it was quickly replaced by anger. He rushed over you, pushing you away from his stand and putting himself between the two of you. "Are you crazy? You of all people should know how dangerous Purple Haze is! I told you I never wanted you anywhere near it again!"

"Fugo, it's alright. Haze isn't going to hurt me." You softened your gaze.

"How can you be so sure? I barely have any control over it, that's why I never bring it out!" Fugo grabbed the collar of your shirt, pulling you closer to him.

Your chest met his as he glared at you with fiery eyes. A small smile took over your features as you grabbed the hand that held your shirt. Prying it off of your collar, you interlaced your fingers with Fugo's. The strawberry blond was somewhat taken aback by your actions, but made to effort to reject them.

"Would you ever hurt me?"

"O-of course not. I-"

"Then Haze won't either." You smiled to the flustered boy, letting his hand go. "By the way, Narancia had a question for you. He's up in the study if you could help him, please?"

"Ah... sure." Still not fully comprehending what just happened, Fugo left you and Purple Haze alone and went in search of the walking orange he was tutoring.

Fugo could feel Purple Haze's presence the entire time he was teaching Narancia the difference between 'affect' and 'effect.' The idea if his Stand just being out and about was unnerving. He found it more difficult than usual to deal with Narancia's dumbassery; despite that, he lacked the urge to punish the teen's incompetence with violence. Fugo was too busy worrying about you to feel a sense of rage.

After an hour or so of going back and forth with him, Narancia was finally able to grasp the difference between the two words.

"I get it now! So affect is like the action of actually changing something and the effect would be what comes after that."

"Yeah, sure. Something like that." Fugo chewed the inside of his cheek nervously as he stared at the dark wood of the table. He could still sense Purple Haze's presence even after the amount of time that had already passed.

"Yo, is something wrong with you? You're looking a little pale there, Fugo." Narancia waved his hand in front of Fugo's face, snapping him back into the present world.

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