Joseph x Reader: ODDBALL

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You weren't sure why the boy with the long brown hair always seemed to run into you despite the vastness of the New York streets, yet somehow he did. At times you thought he was stalking you, but his shocked expression seemed too genuine to be an elaborate lie. Still, you couldn't help but point an accusing finger at the boy.

"Look, buddy, I'm not sure what your deal is or why you keep running into me but just know that if you plan on kidnapping me I will stab you."

The boy's eyes went wide as he listened to you, only for them to soften as he let out a hearty chuckle. You narrowed your eyes at him, not understanding what he found so amusing. You were almost certain you had just threatened him. Any sane person would take that seriously and avoid you from then on, or if they really were trying to kidnap probably try to grab you before the words even left your mouth.

"I'm not joking!"

The mysterious boy just continued to laugh, clutching his stomach slightly as if you had just told him the funniest joke in the world. You gritted your teeth together as you stared at him, unable to read just what the hell he was thinking. You reached into the back pocket of your jeans, uneasiness creeping up as you slowly gripped your pocket knife you carried with you for emergencies such as these.

"You're next line is going to be, 'I really wasn't joking you asshole,'" the boy managed out between laughs. 

"I really wasn't joking you-" You stopped, realizing you were going to say exactly what the boy had guessed. You already had the knife out and aimed at him, the only thing you needed to do was release the blade to show you weren't joking. However, you were too stunned by his accurate reading of you that all you could do was gape at him.

"Sheesh!" the boy gasped, slowly removing your pocket knife from your hand. "You were really gonna stab me!"

He observed the knife in his hand, accidentally releasing the blade and scaring himself. He bounced the blade between his hands out of shock, yet managed to never cut himself. He calmed down after a few seconds, closing the blade and handing the knife back you casually.

You stared at him with your mouth slightly open as you cautiously retrieved the blade from him, afraid he'd try to grab your wrist when you got close. He made no such advancements though, and you allowed yourself to put your guard down for a moment.

"You're quite the oddball," the boy chuckled, his sea blue eyes sparkling in the bright sunlight. "Not many ladies carry a knife on them ya know."

"Yeah, well, I keep it on me just in case some stalker like you thinks it's okay to get too close," you shot him an accusing look to which he just scratched the back of his head out of embarrassment.

"I can see how you think I'd be stalking you since we run into each other so often, but if Granny Erina found out I was tailing a pretty girl like you she'd give me the beating of my life!"

You narrowed your eyes at him once more, trying to understand how he could be so casual about the situation even after you had pulled out a literal knife and threatened him with it.

"Am I supposed to know who that is or something? Hell, I don't even know your name much less your grandmother's."

"Oh!" a light shade of pink spread across the boys cheeks. "I'm Joseph! Joseph Joestar."

He extended a hand out to you with a goofy smile plastered across his face. His light hearted tone and appearance prompted you to trust him. You place your hand in his gently, shaking it with caution as if still afraid he was trying to kidnap you. He seemed to notice this, voicing a gentle, "I'm really not trying to snatch you off the streets or anything" before releasing your hands.

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