🍋Kakyoin x Kouhai!Reader: STUDYING🍋

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Requested by: Mlmmdlmmm123 





Your heart dropped as the bell signaling the start of class rang out. Your professor began to take role, and your eyes nervously scanned the room as he called out each name. As a female in a video game coding class you didn't expect there to be many other girls, but for you to be the only girl was terrifying. 

"L/n, Y/n."

"H-here," you squeaked out, not wanting to draw too much attention to yourself. Of course though, your out of place high pitched voice turned quite a few heads. Each boy that looked at you had one of two emotions displayed on their face: disgust or lust. Even your professor made a weird face at seeing a girl in his class. Shrinking down in your seat you tried to conceal yourself by opening your laptop; you felt lucky no one had chosen to sit next to you in the back of the classroom.

Once he was finished with role, your professor went straight to work. Using the program assigned by the school, he sent a few warmup questions to everyone. He said it was to gage everyone's knowledge of the subject so he knew what he did and didn't need to teach, but you were all but certain he already had a planned out curriculum for the year. The first few questions were easy enough to answer, but you were completely stumped by the last one. No matter how many times you read it in your head, you were unable to come up with answer. Peaking over the top of your laptop you saw that most of the class had answered it without issue. For a split second you met your professor's gaze. Swallowing nervously, you returned your attention back to your screen, hoping an answer would appear out of thin air. 

Suddenly, the door of the classroom swung open. It crashed into the wall, capturing everyone's attention - including your own. Standing in the doorway was yet another boy, but he looked more soft spoken than the others in your class. He had striking red hair, and a pair of cherry earrings dangled from the sides of his head. A timid smile broke over his face.

"Sorry I'm late, I over slept a bit."

"Your name?"

"Kakyoin. Noriaki Kakyoin."

"Alright, have a seat and answer the warm-up questions I sent out. The code is on the board"

"Yes sir."

Kakyoin glanced around the room for an empty seat, his eyes landing on the one right next to you. You tried to ignore his presence as he walked over, but that was nearly impossible.

"Do you mind if I sit next to you?" He whispered.

You looked up at him from the corner of your eyes, then down at the desk, and then back at him. "I guess...."

"Awesome, thank you!" He definitely seemed kinder than the other men in your class, and he didn't look at you the same way everyone else did. Maybe sitting next to him wouldn't be so bad after all. "Are you stuck on that question? Here, let me help!"

"Ah no, it's oka-" Before you could finish speaking Kakyoin turned your computer towards himself, typing a few things and turning the screen back to you. You read over what he wrote skeptically, only to find that his words made complete sense. Your mouth dropped over a bit as you started to realize you were overthinking the question. "Wow... you're a genius"

You shot him a kind hearted smile, oblivious to the blush that formed over his cheeks when you did so. He looked down at his own keyboard for a moment, messing with his fingers before meeting your gaze again. "Not really...."

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