Giorno x Reader: SUNFLOWERS

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You were surrounded by colors of gold on all sides. No matter where you looked, the color of royalty and wealth blessed your eyes. The sunset in front of you casted an elegant glow in the air. The sky looked liked a painting, hues of apricot, crimson, and canary danced around each other. You could practically see the heat of the sun radiating off in small waves. In the distance behind you, the metal buildings reflected the warm colors. The sunflowers that surrounded you as far as you could see welcomed the grace and warmth. Even the tears of your lover who stood beside you had a yellow glow to them, like pure gold was dripping down his face. You wiped away at your own tears to find them shining the same brilliant color. The only thing not tainted by gold was Giorno's outfit; it was a solid black color, signifying his position as the new leader of Passione. 

"Giorno," you whispered quietly, not wanting to disturb the odd peace that had settled over you.

He turned his head slightly to look at you, his blond locks dragging across his back. His face was riddled with nothing but pain and longing. Your heart broke at the sight, knowing how horrible he must have felt. He was unable to save his closest friends, and it didn't take anything for you to know that he blamed himself. You wish you could do something to help the boy you loved so dearly, but you knew that your love would never be enough to erase the pain etched in his heart.

"Mista's waiting."

Giorno nodded quietly, moving a few paces away from you before crouching down. He grabbed the stem of one of the tall flowers in his fingers, tugging gently until the roots started to surface in the ground. You followed suit, squatting down a few feet away from him. The two of you continued to do so in quiet, the only sound being the occasional sniffle from you or him, which you would attempt to cover with a sneeze or cough.

Neither of you wanted to add to the other's pain, so you did your best to keep it all in to yourself. At some point it seemed to become to much for Giorno though. You heard a soft thud behind you, and when you turned to look you saw your boyfriend had collapsed to his hand and knees, his body shaking violently. You watched him cover his mouth as he tried to muffle his cries of pain. The sight only made your heart ache more.

Your lips started to quiver and soon enough you, yourself were also sobbing. You sat back on your heels, tilting your head to the sky and simply screaming into the golden air. You let the tears fall freely, mourning the loss of your closest and only friends. They were gone. All of them except you, Giorno, Mista, and the boss's daughter. You wished you could blame everything on the pink haired newbie so your anguish would at least have a place to be targeted, but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. She had suffered too, after all.

With the sunflowers still clutched tightly in your hand, you crawled over to Giorno who's face was now buried in the mud. You wrapped your self around him, enveloping his much taller figure into your smaller one. Without hesitation he turned and buried himself within you, clutching the fabric of your shirt. 

His sobs echoed throughout his entire body. With each cry he shook in your grasp, breathing heavily as he tried to return the air to his lungs. Your own cries had yet to cease, but you tried to be as quiet as possible as you pulled the heartbroken boy closer to you. You cradled him as if he were a child that had just scraped his knees, knowing that all you could do at this point would be to provide him with comfort.

"I couldn't save them," he spoke after a long time, his voice raw.

The sound of his voice alone brought more tears to your eyes, and it only worsened when he had confirmed your earlier thoughts. He did blame himself, and there was probably nothing you could tell him that would make him think otherwise.

"It's not your fault," you whispered into his hair, stroking his back to try and calm him down.

"There had to have been something. If I had just paid more attention. If I was just a second faster. If I hadn't left them alone. If I had just protected them..."

"Giorno," you tipped his chin up so you could look into his eyes. "There was absolutely nothing you could have done. Our fates were sealed long ago, there was nothing we could have done to change them."

"To hell with fate!"

His sudden outburst shocked you for a second, but you quickly went back to comforting Giorno.

"They must be so proud looking down on you now. You rescued Trish, and now you're the boss. You'll be able to get the drugs you and Bucciarati hated so much off the streets. You can protect the struggling youth who have no one to rely on like Narancia would have wanted. You can bring justice to the streets that Abbacchio sought after so much. You can help their dreams carry on, and me and Mista, and Trish will be right by your side the entire time. Hell, we'll even track down Fugo and give him a little shit for ditching us."

You tried to joke but your voice was riddled with sadness. Giorno wasn't the only one who missed those three. You were supposed to watch Bucciarati climb the ranks until he was in control of everything. You were supposed to get Abbacchio to open up to you and not be such a shut out all the time. You were supposed to grow up with Narancia, who was only a few years older than you and Giorno. You were supposed to come home as a family, laugh about all the hardships you went through and put everything behind you.

But that was impossible now.

Giorno looked at you with a mix of emotions in his eyes. He did his best to smile as we wiped his tears away, but you saw the lingering sadness. He let go of your shirt, standing up and brushing the dirt and grass from his pants. You took the hand he offered down to you, appreciating the help up.

Both of you still had the sunflowers clutched in your hand. Each of you held two. Three were for the boys, and one was for Trish's mom. You felt sorry for her, as she never got to attend a proper funeral for her mother. You had come up with the idea to plant them in the garden at the new mansion. They would stand right in the center, in the spot where sunlight would shine down on them no matter what time of day it was.

Giorno reached for you hand, interlocking his fingers with your as the two of you exited the field of golden flowers. You made your way back to where Mista had parked. Once the car came into view you could tell Mista had been crying too, his forehead resting against the steering wheel as his fist beat down on the dash. Though the car was still a length away, the silent noise of his hands meeting the dash rang out in your ears. 

You and Giorno approached the car, knocking on the window without looking at Mista so he wouldn't feel embarrassed. He unlocked the doors without a word as all three of you pretended you weren't just breaking down over the same people. In that moment you made a promise to yourself:

I will never let another sunflower be planted next to these.


Not even gonna lie, I definitely cried a little bit while writing this because part five is my favorite and I sobbed my eyes out at every single death.

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