🍋Josuke x Fem!Reader: ALONE|TOGETHER🍋

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Requested by: Mlmmdlmmm123




Your family had moved from the big city to small town Morioh. You were displeased with the scenery at first, already missing the neon lights and bustling streets of your previous home, but you quickly grew accustomed to it. That was thanks to the excitement of starting your first year of high school in a new area where no one knew your name or your face. You didn't always get along with everyone back at home and you usually kept to yourself, not wanting to waste your time with fake smiles and lies.

You convinced yourself it would be different here. You had a fresh start in this new town, and you were going to do everything in your power to have it work out in your favor. All you wanted was one friend. One person you could truly rely and share all your secrets with. Of course having more friends would be great too, but just one would be enough to make your heart flutter with glee.

Flattening out your skirt, you gave yourself a glance over in the mirror. The school uniforms were nothing compared to your old ones when it came to the style category, but you couldn't deny they were quite comfortable. Although the baggy material hid your curves a little more than you would have liked, it felt like something you could fall asleep in if you really wanted to. Plus, all the other girls would be wearing the same thing, so it wasn't that bad.

Not wanting to be late on your first day, you grabbed your bag and quickly bounded down the stairs. You offered your mom a curt "I'm good," when she asked you about breakfast and she waved you off without any overbearing concern. 

A huge smile was plastered on your face as you made the - not so long - walk to school. Your body shook with excitement every step you took, and your mind began to wander and think about all the different types of people you could meet. Swinging your bag lightly at your side, you daydreamed about making friends with kind hearted girls and dorky boys. Your mind eventually wandered into imagining what kind of handsome guys might go to your school. Right as you were thinking abut such a thing, you came across of a group of them who had the uniform to your school.

The colors they wore made you believe they were a bit older, perhaps second or maybe even third years. They were yelling and throwing rocks at a tree, and upon closer inspection you realized they were throwing them at a cat. The poor creature looked like it was hanging on for dear life as the group of boys tossed grey stones its way, and it was clear to you they were not doing it to get it down.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" You ran over to them, grabbing the wrist of one the boys and prying a rock from his hand.

"Who the hell are you?" He scowled, pulling his hand away from you.

"I'm Y/n, L/n. I'm a first year," you replied coldly.

"Well then, Miss L/n. We're all third years, and as a first year like you should make sure to respect their superiors." The boy ruffled your hair in a mocking manner, and you swatted his hand away.

"Are you sure you're all third years? The way you're treating that cat up there makes you all look like children who can't comprehend right from wrong."

"Excuse me?" One of the other boys narrowed their eyes at you.

"I'm sorry, did you need to me to spell it out for you? Or were those words just too big for you?" You leaned into your hip and crossed your arms over your chest, throwing a condescending glance their way.

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