Okuyasu x Reader: GRUDGES

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Requested by: KillerQueenDuck



You met them by accident one day. Too caught up in looking at the shapes of the clouds, you turned down a wrong street on your way home from school. When you had finally returned from your daydream, you found yourself in a part of town you didn't frequent much. You glanced around somewhat nervously, trying to spot anything that would help you pinpoint your location. Giving up after a few minutes, you noticed a boy standing by the gate of an abandoned looking house.

He was wearing your school's uniform, and you figured he might live in the area. You approached him, hoping he would be able to give you directions back to your usual route home. As you got closer you noticed another shorter boy standing next to him (though it was odd as his head appeared to be trapped between a gate), which was all the better for you because it meant a higher chance of one of them knowing their way around.

Right as you were about to call out to them, a glint of something passed through the air, and the next thing you knew there was an arrow lodged into the shorter boy's throat. Blood spurted from his wound, and your body didn't even have time to scream before it moved on its own. The sound of your running footsteps alerted the taller boy, and he turned to shout at you.

"Don't come near here! It's dangerous!"

You payed him no mind, sprinting over and jumping over the gate of the house with ease. That's when you noticed a third boy, most likely a resident of the house, but not the one that shot the arrow. He had short black hair, and simple looking eyes. Distinct curved scars ran around his face, and they looked so perfectly positioned you couldn't tell if they came from an injury.

In one swift motion, you kicked open the gate that the shorter boy's head was trapped between. You assumed the boy you had first seen was his friend, and he would do something about the arrow wound. You didn't waste any time as you turned your attention to the boy with the scar, lunging at him and knocking him to the ground. Putting all your weight on top of his body in an attempt to hold him down, you pinned his hands on either side of his head.

He looked up at you, a flustered expression coming over his face as he finally registered his position under you. The boy made no effort to escape from your grasp, though a few drops of blood started to leak from his nose.

Your memory of the rest of the event was a bit blurry as you were mainly moving on instinct and adrenaline, but it was all sorted out in the end. The only causality was the scarred boy's brother, and despite him being an enemy in the beginning you couldn't help but feel an overwhelming amount of sympathy for him. Perhaps it was your kind hearted nature that made you reach out and cradle him against your chest, or maybe it was something more...

You learned that day that the four of you went to school together. The shorter boy was named Koichi, the one who sported a perm was Josuke (who you came to refer to as Jojo), the the boy with the scars was Okuyasu. The four of you quickly became friends, and it didn't take long for you to start to develop a crush on one of them as well.

After only a few weeks of knowing him, you had fallen head over heels for Okuyasu. Although he was quite an idiot at times, you admired the way he openly admitted it and accepted it as a part of himself. You were much more knowledgable than him, but shared many of the same traits, the biggest being both of you tended to act on what you felt was right in your heart instead of analyzing a situation first. It got you into trouble at times, but there was no way you could ever go against your sense of righteousness.

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