Johnny x Reader x Gyro: INN

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Requested by: dquinn0826


The thundering of hooves hitting the dirt ground sent adrenaline surging through your veins. A wide smile grew over your face as the finish line came into sight. You and your companions: Johnny Joestar and Gyro Zeppeli, were leading the pack of the hundred or so racers who had also signed up for the Steel Ball Run. You were quite confident in your abilities as a jockey, having tamed the wild mustangs that roamed the grassy fields of your family's farm and you were excited to team up with others just like you.

"Betcha five bucks I'll be the first to cross the finish line!" You shouted over the stomping of the horses as more and more people began to pick up speed.

"To hell you will!" Gyro smiled cockily, snapping his reins signaling his horse to pick up speed. He slowly started to overtake you, Johnny following close behind him. Although you had grown rather fond of the mysterious racers and already considered them some of your closest friends, it would wound your pride to allow them to win so easily.

You leaned forward, whispering something in your steed's ears. A while back you had discovered a power dwelling deep within you, one that allowed you to communicate and boost the abilities of animals so long as you were touching them. This ability was perfect for your horseback riding, and you had every intention of using it to come in first every checkpoint of this race. Your horse's ears perked up and it whinnied before bolting forward, quickly passing Gyro and Johnny. You turned to look back at them as your horse raced on, grip still tight on the reins as you stuck your tongue out at the two of them. Their faces of shock made you laugh loudly as you crossed the finish line.

Hopping down from your steed you waved to the onlookers that were cheering your name. They pumped their fists in the air, some of them tossing flowers and other various gifts your way. Johnny and Gyro passed the finish soon after you.

"Pay up losers," you smiled proudly, holding your gloved hand out to them.

"Whatever, I'm sure you cheated somehow," Johnny grumbled, digging into his pack and pulling out a five dollar bill. Gyro did the same, and they both slammed the money in your hand with the same frustrated force. You clutched the bills within your hand, chuckling at the boys.

Gyro hopped down from his mare, joining you on the ground while Johnny remained mounted on his horse. The three of you traveled through town, searching for the inn that was the designated sleeping quarters for all the riders. Holding Johnny's arm around your shoulder to keep him upright, you watched Gyro check your horses into a nearby stable for the night. When he returned he took Johnny from you, crouching down so the younger could wrap his arms around his neck.

You made your way to the inn, Gyro following close behind. The inside of the building reeked of booze and other various alcohols, and you looked over to see a lively tavern adjoined to the check in area. You decided to skip out on the drinking for tonight, knowing if you started your good mood would keep you going until you blacked out. The clerk behind the counter greeted you cheerfully, asking how she could help.

"My name's Y/n L/n. I'm part of the Steel Ball Run race so I should have a room reserved for me."

"Ah! You were the winner of today's race, right? Congrats! I have the key to your room right here." She reached under the desk and pulled out a golden key with a tag attached to it that read your room number. You thanked her and moved over to the side, waiting for your friends to get their room.

"Gyro Zeppeli and Johnny Joestar. We should have a room together." The clerk's eyebrows raised in confusion as she glanced under the counter.

"I'm sorry, I don't have anything reserved under those names. Were you guys part of the race too?"

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