Mista x Gender Neutral!Reader: FEAR

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Requested by: xX_Cherry_Shot_Xx


+ written in third person +


There was blood everywhere.

It was splattered across their legs and face, some of it dried and coming off in crimson brown flakes when they nervously scratched at it. The red coloring seeped deep into the fabric of their shirt, it would not be coming out any time soon. They wanted to cry, but they were too stunned by their own actions for tears to even begin forming.

The heads of the boys turned their direction as they appeared in the small opening of their meeting room. 

"Y/n, you're covered in blood! Did something happen?" Giorno stood from his seat, ready to rush over and heal Y/n should they need it.

"Ah... no. It's not mine...." They stared blankly at the young blond, his face of which was distorted in concern.

Bucciarati approached Y/n, gently placing a hand on their shoulder. He could sense the unease resting in their heart, but was unsure of how to comfort them. It was the first time Y/n had killed someone. They always went out of their way to get whatever information they needed without ending a life, and if it came down to it someone else was always there to finish the job for them. Killing someone was the last thing Y/n had ever wanted to do. They were unbothered by torture and hunting people down, but the actual act of tearing apart someone's soul and body was terrifying.

This time around, there was no other choice. It was either kill or be killed, the situation Y/n had been put in was all but impossible to escape from. So, they did the only thing they could do in order to return with the information Bucciarati had requested. The face of their victim as the life drained from their eyes would forever be burned into their mind. They knew there was no escaping the horrors and nightmares that awaited because of their actions, but for now they just felt empty.

"Would you like something to eat? I can have it ready in a few minutes." Bucciarati's eyes softened as he spoke. Seeing the far off and distant look in Y/n's eyes made his paternal instincts kick in, but he knew in their line of work it would have happened eventually.

Y/n stood there for a while, not answering and truthfully not even thinking of an answer. Their mind was blank except for the image of fresh blood being sprayed against a brick wall, thick red droplets cascading down in the gaps between.

"Y/n?" Bucciarati crouched to be in their line of sight.

"Uh... no. I'm not hungry..."

"Are you sure? You just got back from your mission, you should eat even if it's only something small," Bucciarati insisted.

Shrugging Bucciarati's hand of their shoulder, Y/n gazed up at him with emotionless eyes. There was no shine or sparkle, only a dull grey that lay as an overcast concealing their usual bright e/c orbs. Without another word, Y/n lightly pushed past their Capo and started making their way to their room. The boys watched with worry as they dragged their feet across the cold tile, their eyes focused on the ground the entire time.

The initial shock of everything had began to subside, and before Y/n could reach their room they were hit with the weight of it all. As soon as they passed the doorway they broke down, collapsing in a heap on the ground as tears streamed down their face. Sobs wracked through their body as they curled into a ball, hugging their knees tightly against their chest. The hard ground was uncomfortable to lay on, their body shaking as memories of the murder they committed appeared every time they closed their eyes.

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