Rohan x Reader: CRUSH

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You thought today was going to be just another typical Friday. You would spend most of the day working at the cafe as a waitress, occasionally helping out in the kitchen if someone required assistance. Josuke, Okuyasu, and Koichi would stop by after the school day was over. By the time they finished their after school snacks, your shift would be over and the four of you would be able to hang out. You thought the three first years would be more weirded out by spending their free time with a graduate, but it seemed almost natural to them.

However, today was anything but normal. You walked into work this morning to find only one chef in the kitchen. With the morning rush that was sure to come, immediate panic set in. You and the only other person working had to try and hold of hoards of angry and hurried customers for two hours until the rest of the morning workers finally showed up. They all claimed to have forgotten it was Friday, mistaking it for Thursday when the cafe opened later in the day. You found it rather odd that all the people who showed up late were adults of legal drinking age who all seemed to be decently hung over, but you quickly pushed the thought to the back of your head.

The day seemed to fly by until it was time for the boys to show up. When they did though, they didn't even order anything. All they did was shout random words at you about a new enemy as they sprinted past. You sighed as you slung a cleaning rag against your shoulder. They were always so busy in their own little world that they sometimes forgot you too, had a stand and would be able to fight if they ever needed help.

You ruffled your hair, exhaling outwardly while trying to think of something to fill your time for the next hours. No good ideas came to your mind, so you decided to just stay at work for a little longer and help with cleaning or any other random jobs they had for you. Your boss had no objections to your proposal, seeing as though he was one of the worker who had walked in (still a little drunk) late this morning. 

You remained at work for another two hours, thinking that maybe if you waited the three that had run off earlier would come back to see if you were still here. You eventually came to the conclusion that they would not be returning for you, and you sighed for what seemed like the millionth time today, wiping away the sweat on your forehead from working with the back of your hand. 

"Don't move, that pose is so natural, I have to draw it."

You jumped a little at the sudden words, turning your head to see none other than Rohan Kishibi scribble in some kind of sketch book. Your cheeks quickly turned a rosy shade of pink when you realized he was drawing you. You did have a massive crush on him after all, though you would never admit it.

You knew Rohan was not the type of person who was looking for love. Even if he was, he could pick from any of the girls in Morioh. There was no way in hell he'd ever chose you, even if crazy things did seem to happen in your little town. The moment you found out about your feelings you had decided you would never, ever, ever tell him. You weren't so much worried about being rejected, as that was the obvious outcome, but more so on the idea of him never talking to you again.

Rohan was not the type of person to look for love, but he was the type of person to dispose of anything that served as a nuisance.

"And... done!"

Rohan marveled at the sketch he had just finished of you. You swallowed harshly, wanting to say something to him but having nothing prepared. He almost never came out of his house, unless you, Koichi, or Jotaro dragged him out, so for him to come to the very cafe you worked at was inconceivable.

"W-what are you doing here?" you finally stuttered out, cursing at yourself for sounding so flustered.

"Those idiot high schoolers ran past my house earlier screaming at me to meet you here because they couldn't or something dumb like that," Rohan shrugged, flopping his hands in the air to emphasize his aloofness.

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