🍋Kira x Male!Reader: ARTIST🍋

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Requested by: butterbiscuitbandit



+written in third person+


Every day, he was there. Resting against the same tall oak as he admired his most recent work of art. Y/n was happy losing himself in his own world, focusing only on the piece before him. Whether it was acrylic, watercolor, or charcoal; there was something about taking a moving image and making it still that resonated with his soul. It was comforting.

Y/n would spend hours in the park in the middle of town, getting lost within his own art. Sometimes he divulged in the world around him, turning the moving figures walking dogs into still sketches on parchment. Other times he would separate himself from reality entirely, putting immense concentration into creating a face he had only seen a glimpse of in a dream. 

He never talked to others around him, mind too far away to answer when someone questioned him about his practice. The people around him all but slipped his consciousness entirely when an idea popped into his mind. It was for this very reason that he was unable to feel the heavy gaze of a sharp faced blond watching him.

When he had the chance, Yoshikage Kira enjoyed visiting the park in the center of town. It was even more pleasurable when he able to get ahold of a fresh sandwich from St. Gentleman's. Kira found the atmosphere of the park light, making it the perfect place for a lunch break. It wasn't that he wanted to run away from the stiffness of his cubicle back at work, it was simply an appealing place to be.

Every time Kira visited the park, he would find himself watching Y/n work. Sometimes, he got so caught up in watching Y/n's hands glide against whatever canvas he was working on that he would forget everything else on his mind. His hunger would subside along with his urge to kill. Watching the artist's hands was like watching the soft waves crash against the pale sand of a beach.

Kira couldn't help but observe as Y/n did the same thing he did every day: draw. There was something about watching the somewhat frailly built artist that made Kira wish he knew more about the man. He wanted to know his life, his family, if he had a job or if he spent all his days making works of art. To him, it looked like Y/n was living the quiet life Kira strived so hard to reach.

The silent and charming man looked unbothered when a sketch of his on a loose paper left his side as a soft breeze blew by. Kira glanced down as the paper landed next to him. He had no reason to, but a nagging voice in his brain told him he should return it to its rightful owner. Sighing quietly, he grabbed the corner of the paper and made his was over to where Y/n was sitting.

"I believe this is yours, it blew over by me." Kira pointed to a nearby tree, the one he had been resting against a minute ago.

"Ah!" Y/n's eyes went wide. "I'm so sorry, thank you for grabbing it!"

Kira was surprised by the silkiness of the man's voice, heart skipping a beat upon hearing it.

"It's not a problem at all." The blond handed over the sketch. Y/n's fingers grazed against Kira's as he accepted it.

A light blush came over the businessman as his eyes wandered to the smooth skin of Y/n's hand. They looked relatively soft to belong to an artist, no calloused fingers from holding pencils too hard. His touch was a bit cold, most likely because he had just finished wiping away the charcoal stains with a wet cloth. 

"Say, you're here quite often. Would I be able to get your name?"

"Y/n! And you are?"

"Yoshikage Kira. I live in the northeast section of Morioh if you ever wanted to maybe stop by?" Kira offered with a somewhat teasing smirk, one that was enough to fluster Y/n. He looked down at his watch before giving Y/n the chance to answer, announcing he had to get back to work but would love to have a genuine conversation with the artist sometime.

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