Pillar Men x Reader: TRAINING

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You didn't have many memories from your early childhood, the faces and names of your birth parents slipping from your mind as quickly as they had entered them. All that mattered now was you were being cared for by two men named Kars and Esidisi. You grew up along a boy named Wamuu, who was a few decades older than you. He was much like what humans would consider an older brother, though you found that expression dumb considering you weren't blood related.

When Kars had first snatched your small form from the grasp of your recently deceased mother, (as worded by Wamuu, who always tried to shelter you from the more gruesome aspects of life) he had thought you were a young boy. He was quite taken aback to discover that you were in fact, a female. Not wanting to waste the effort he went though to "adopt" you, he decided to just raise you the same way he planned to raise Wamuu: as a skilled warrior.

You grew up not learning the proper ways of womanhood, but hunting and sparring with Wamuu. You never learned about love or manners, instead you were taught the arts of manipulating the ground and slaughtering your opponent before they were even aware of your presence. You were quite skilled in your techniques, easily being able to take out multiple targets at once should your superiors request it of you.

Despite your strength, you still were unable to overtake Wamuu during practice. You had come close multiple times, but just when you thought you had won he would always have one more trick hiding in store. Today was going to be different. No matter what undermined moves you had to use, you were determined to win for once. Wamuu has years and his sheer size over you, but that just meant you had to try all the harder. You and Wamuu situated yourselves in the makeshift ring Kars had created for you. Wamuu stretches his arms across his chest while you bounced in the balls of your feet, raising your heart rate.

"Are you ready to lose again, little one?" Wamuu shot you a cocky smile.

"Not today, MuuMuu. Today is the day I finally beat you." You mirrored his smug look, shaking out your hands before taking a fighting stance.

"That's what you say every time," Wamuu rolled his eyes. "But very well. Let's begin then."

You allowed his words to hang in the air for no longer than five seconds before stomping your foot against the ground, making a wall of dirt and rocks spring up in front of you. You could hear Wamuu click his tongue from behind your barrier. This was a move you often started your fights off with, but instead of using it as a distraction and going around it as you usually would, this time you burrowed yourself in the ground. The technique you were using was something you had been working on with Esidisi, who told you not all powers had to be used in the obvious ways.

Using your ability to make the earth conform to your will, you opened a path under ground for yourself to travel through. You dragged your fingertips against the makeshift ceiling of your tunnel, feeling out for Wamuu's movements. After a few seconds the vibrations of his footsteps met your touch, and you chased after them silently. Positioning yourself behind Wamuu, you moved with delicacy as to not make a sound. Slowly, you raised yourself back to ground level.

You only poked enough of your head above ground so you could see, and much to your pleasure you were exactly where you wanted to be. Wamuu was almost directly into front of you, taking cautious but calculated steps towards the wall you had erected earlier. With a speed unseeable to the human eye, you reached your arm out and grabbed Wamuu's ankle. You pulled with such force that he went toppling to the ground, and you took the chance to jump fully into the air. Landing atop Wamuu you moved swiftly to capture his arms behind his back, trapping them in blocks of tough earth in order to render his divine windstorm useless. You waited for a counter attack in his part, but you were met with no resistance.

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