Caesar x Reader: FLIRTATIOUS

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Caesar x Oblivious!Reader 


You observed as the tall blond boy struck up conversation with some random woman. Though you were not at all surprised by his usual antics, something about it seemed to rub you the wrong way today. The way his eyes gazed at her figure. How his lips curled up ever so slightly as to form more of a smirk than a smile. How his lips brushed against the stranger's knuckles.

It made your blood boil. You knew you had no reason to be angry, but you couldn't help but become doused in annoyance. Lisa Lisa had sent the two of you out on a grocery run, not a wife scouting mission.

"Caesar," you barked, eyes red with anger.

He turned to you with a goofy smile plastered on his face, but it soon faded when he saw the look in your eyes. He turned to the women he was talking to, bidding her farewell and jogging over to where you were standing.

"Yes, y/n?" he said in a chipper tone.

You grinded your teeth together, shoving one of the two grocery bags you had been holding into his chest.

"Next time I'll just go shopping by myself. I don't need to be here waiting for you to chat up every floozy in the city of Venice!" you huffed, storming away from the now confused Caesar.

He simply stared at the back of your head with a raised eyebrow, wondering just what in the world had pissed you off so much.

*later that day*

"I'm telling you, she's not usually like that."

You heard Caesar's voice coming from one of the many rooms in Lisa Lisa's vast mansion. You had just finished helping clean up after dinner, so you were still dirty and a bit sweaty. You had hoped to be able to take a nice warm bath after the long day, but a nagging voice in your brain insisted Caesar was talking abut you.

You approached the door slowly, trying your best to silence the sound of your heels as you listened to the voices through the cracked door.

"I think you're reading too much into it, anyone would be annoyed if they had to carry all the groceries while you were flirting with someone," Joseph's voice reached your ears.

They were definitely talking about you. But why? Were you really that mean to Caesar earlier that he went to talk to Joseph about it? You could have sworn you saw them bickering more than you did training, just when did they get so close?

You were too distracted by your thoughts to realize Caesar and Joseph's conversation had come to an end. Unaware of your presence, Caesar ran right into you as he went to leave the room. Even though there was barely any force behind it, his body was so much larger than yours that it sent you flying to the ground.

A gasp of surprise escaped your lips as you seemed to fall in slow motion. You could see Caesar's expression slowly change from one of frustration to shock and embarrassment as your skirt flew up. Your eyes opened wide in shock as you did everything you could to hide your undergarments, but judging by Caesar's flushed cheeks he had already seen them.

Your body finally collided with the cold tile floor after what seemed like forever. Your maid's dress was sprawled out around your body. Quickly scrambling to your knees,  you pulled the fabric of the dress down, holding it tightly between your fingers. You bit your bottom lip as it quivered, tears threatening to spill from your eyes at any moment. You tried to look anywhere except Caesar, but that was practically impossible.

He had knelt down in front of you, his large frame practically blocking your entire view. He offered you his hand, and you stared at it for a long while before accepting it. He pulled you up effortlessly, so much so that he must have overestimated how much you weighed as the momentum caused you to fall into his chest.

He caught you though, each hand on one of your shoulders. You blushed madly, quickly pulling away from him and turning to face away. 


"Were you... listening?"

Caesar's question brought you back to reality. You had completely forgotten that you were totally eavesdropping on him and Joseph earlier. You tried searching for some kind of excuse, but came up empty handed.

"So what if I was?" you pouted, ending up sound more like a butt-hurt teenager than an angry adult.

Caesar chuckled lightly. The sound of his laugh brought an even deeper shade of red across your cheeks.

"It's fine, I was about to come find you anyways."

Even though you knew you should've felt thankful that he dismissed your actions, it only made you more upset.

Just what was it about Caesar Zeppeli that seemed to drive you so mad?!

"Yeah well, I was just abut to talk a bath so it'll have to wait," you huffed, turning on your heel to leave.

Caesar reached out and grabbed your wrist, preventing you from leaving. 

"Wait, please."

You turned around to see a begging look in his eyes. You simply couldn't say no to him, so you sighed and turned back to face him.


A smile of relief washed over his chiseled face as he let go of you.

"Did I do something to upset you? You've been avoiding me ever since we got back but I don't know what I did."

"I'm not upset, and you didn't do anything," although the words were supposed to be the truth, you couldn't help but feel as though you had just lied.

Maybe you were actually mad at Caesar, but why? It's not like he's done anything different today than any other day.

"Why do you flirt with other girls but not me?"

Caesar was just as shocked at your sudden confession as you were. 

"W-wait, I didn't mean-"

"Are you jealous?" Caesar tried to sound serious, but his tone was soaked with curiosity.

"M-me? Why would I be jealous? You do the same thing everyday and it's never bothered me before... has it?"

You looked at him with glimmering eyes.

"Are you asking me if it bothers you?" Caesar pointed to himself, them you, clearly confused on how he was supposed to answer your question.

You nodded your head quickly, hoping he could give you the answer you were so desperately seeking.

"How should I know?" he shrugged.

"You asshole," you pouted, throwing a punch at his shoulder.

He laughed at your odd display of affection, ruffling your hair.

"There's the y/n I know."

As you stared at Caesar's wide smile, you felt something flip in your brain. Suddenly everything about him was beautiful, like he was the very definition of the word itself. His pale skin that somehow remained smooth and soft despite rigorous training. His toned body that made it impossible to believe he was only 20. You found yourself getting lost in his emerald eyes, so lost that you didn't even notice the silent tears that had begun to fall down your face.

"H-hey, are you okay? What happened now?" Caesar's expression changed from one of happiness to worry.

"From now on, only flirt with me, okay?" You said with a smile, wiping away the tears.

A brief moment of shock passed on Caesar's face before it was replaced with a warm one of understanding. 

"Of course, il mio amore, anything for you."


I had an idea and then it started to disappear as I wrote so hopefully this is still okay :/

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