Giorno x Mute!Reader: REPAIR

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Requested by: JunnaKyushi147


!Mentions of PARENTAL ABUSE head, please continue at your own discretion!


As the man before you pushed his palms deeper into your already damaged throat, you could do nothing but be reminded of your past. It was something that haunted your every waking moment. There was no way to forget it, your father made sure if that when he destroyed your vocal cords. You looked to your mother for help, any sign of hope. She simply leaned against the wall and exhaled a thin stream of smoke, bringing a lit cigarette to her lips once more.

That traumatizing scenario was a common one for you growing up. You could come home less than a second late and your father would already be standing by the door, beer bottle in hand. There was no escaping his physical punishments, and there was no hiding them either. Your classmates tended to avoid you because of it, not wanting to be dragged into your dangerous home life. You didn't blame them for it; you wouldn't have wanted to become involved either if you were them.

All you could do was bare with it. Day after day, night after night. It wasn't long before you lost count of how many times your father abused you. Was it hundreds? Thousands maybe? To you it didn't matter, the outcome was always the same. A dark bruise that greatly contrasted your paling skin. A discolored scar as a result of you nervously picking at scabs. A baby tooth falling out much sooner than it should have. The worst was your permanently damaged voice box that left you mute at age 12.

It was then when you first acquired your stand, which formed as a result of the previous trauma mixed your shock induced state. Orange Dream is what you eventually named it. It granted you the ability to control sound. At first you thought it a useless power to someone such as yourself, after all, you couldn't even talk. After a bit of experimenting, you learned you didn't need to speak to use your power.

By age 14 you had slaughtered your parents. Perhaps slaughtered wasn't the right words for it. The crime scene was in fact, relatively clean. All the cops had to base their investigation on was a thin stream of blood running out of the ears of your mother and father, but when they discovered it to be their own the case was eventually discarded. There was nothing to prove nor disprove your guilt, so you were released into the world. Quickly you took to the streets, using Orange Dream to steal and defend yourself. No one else you encountered had a power such as yours, or so you thought.

On a particularly rainy day you found yourself cowering in an alleyway, back pressed against the bricks of a building to shield yourself from the cold droplets. You were shivering, teeth chattering from the cold that reached your bones. Despite your attempt to take shelter, the rain continued to pelt into you. But then it stopped.

When you looked up you saw a properly dressed man standing over you. Maybe boy was the right term, he looked about your age: 15 on the brink of 16. His blond hair was neatly styled in three loops that rested against his forehead, and what was not held in those loops fell gently over his shoulders. He was bent over slightly, holding an umbrella over you to protect you from the rain.

When you noticed his hair begin to come undone from the wetness of the sky you pushed the covering back over his head. He looked confused for a moment, but a small smile broke over his lips as he chucked quietly. His positive attitude made you feel somewhat threatened, and you readied your stand to attack.

"I'm Giorno Giovanna. You are Y/n, correct?" You glared at the boy. "Ah! Forgive my rudeness. I was informed that you lost the ability to speak. A simple nod will do."

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