Straizo x Fem!Reader: INJURY

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Requested by: fauxtraps



You stood, breathing ragged and blood dripping into your eye from a gash on your head. It felt like the onslaught of zombie vampires was never going to end, and it was growing difficult for you to maintain proper breathing for Hamon. You had accompanied a group of Hamon users into a mysterious castle that was inhabited by a wicked man named Dio. You were reluctant to join at first, but in the end you were convinced by a beautiful man who called himself Straizo. He had long dark locks and a strong face. Upon first seeing him your heart began to beat like crazy. It was an unknown feeling to you to become so flustered around a man, and perhaps it was that very feeling that you agreed to joining him and others in aiding a muscular Englishman. 

The scene before you was nothing like your expectations though, and your hope was slowly beginning to dwindle as more and more vampire freaks poured into the top room of the castle. You wanted to give up. You had no obligation to be here. Hell, you had never heard of this Jonathan Joestar before a few days ago, what reason was there or you to keep fighting for him? Lowering your guard for a moment to catch your breath, a vampire took the opportunity to lunge and sink their long fangs into your calf.

Gasping at the pain you fell to your hands and knees, kicking the lifeless being and trying to shake them off your leg. Without your Hamon it was futile, but you were too panicked by the amount of blood leaving your body too steady your breathing. Then out of nowhere, a bright flash struck the body of the vampire and within seconds it was disintegrating into ash. You looked up to see Straizo smiling, holding a helping out to you. With a blush coming over your cheeks, you accepted his hand and allowed him to pull you up to your feet.

You winced a bit, looking down at your leg and nearly vomiting at the sight. A large chunk of flesh was torn from your leg where the vampire had bitten you, and blood was still pouring out from the wound. Straizo took note and kneeled down, unraveling the scarf from around his neck and tying it tightly around your calf. The pressure sent a wave of pain coursing up your leg, and you bit down on your tongue to keep yourself from crying. Hovering his hands over the scarf, Straizo embedded what looked like Hamon into the fabric before standing up again.

He was significantly taller than you, the top of your head just barely even with his chin. You had to crane your head up to look at his eyes, and the kindness within them only made your cheeks grow a deeper red. Thankfully, the coloration of your face wouldn't be too noticeable in the darkness.

"I put some Hamon into the scarf. It should control the bleeding and help your tissues and muscles start to grow back faster."

"T-thanks..." You looked down at your feet, twirling your thumbs like a schoolgirl at his gentlemanly gesture. 

Straizo's eyes left yours for a moment, turning to focus on the balcony where Jonathan and Dio had been fighting the entire time you were fending off vampire goons (who were steadily beginning to vanish). "It appears the battle had been settled." You shifted your gaze to the balcony as well, noting that only Jonathan stood there now.

"Yes, it seems as though you're right."

Your eyes returned to examine Straizo's handsome face. There were speckles of blood adorning his cheeks and clothes, but other than that he was practically spotless of any evidence of battle. You couldn't help but admire his efficiency in battle, and you wished to be more like him. Most of all, you wished to spend more time by his side.

"I suppose I should be going then, my job is done." You took a step forward to leave, only for the pain that shot up your injured leg to trip you up. You hissed at the overbearing sensation, the feeling in your leg beginning to disappear as you collapsed. Luckily, Straizo was there to catch you, his hands coming around and resting on the small of your back to support you while your breasts pushed flush against his strong torso. You thought it impossible for your face to turn a brighter shade of red than it already was.

"Careful. I used Hamon, but it is still going to take a bit of time for that leg of yours to heal." Straizo's brows turned upwards with worry.

"My apologies, I got a bit ahead of myself." You pushed away from Straizo's chest to stand yourself up, but his hold on you kept. Instead of letting you go, he pulled your body closer to his. Your heart was beating erratically in your chest, and you simply hoped he could not feel the drumming against his own skin.

"Perhaps, I should tend to your wound until it is completely healed?"

"Ah, that won't be necessary-"

Before you had the chance to finish speaking, Straizo had scooped your body up with ease. "Nonsense, it is a man's duty to take care of an injured woman. Besides, I wouldn't mind having someone as beautiful as you around for awhile."

You swallowed nervously at his words. "A-are you sure? I would't want to be a burden on someone as talented as you."

"Miss Y/n, you fail to give yourself enough credit. You are as strong as you are stunning, injuries like yours happen to the best of us. Do not diminish yourself for it."

"It would be rude of me to say no after you've complimented me so." You smiled somewhat cheekily.

"Then it's settled," Straizo flashed you a wide smile. "Truthfully, I hope you decide you may stay by my side long after your leg as healed."

"As do I."


The second season of Umbrella Academy is out and I've only seen and episode and a half but i'm vibing with it. I've come to the conclusion that Klaus is a modern Rodrick and I love it

Also imma be doing some updates to some of the chapters so sorry if y'all get bombarded with notifications 

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