🍋Gyro x Male!Reader: FAN|SERVICE🍋

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Requested by: GyrosFatTiddies




Even above the screeching shouts of the fangirls, your voice was the loudest. The deep tones wafted through the air and hit Gyro's ears right as he passed the finish line. Pumping your fist in the air, you jumped up and down on the bleachers where you stood. Your excitement only added to the sound of feet stomping against the metallic stands.

From on his horse, Gyro waved to the crowd. He had come in first, a hearty accomplishment for a foreigner. The harsh southern sun beat down on the racers and the crowd. Its light casted rectangular lines across Gyro's face from the slits in his hat brim.

You had left the stands after seeing Gyro, but the rest of the racers continued to trickle in over the next few hours, each one more disappointed with their ranking than the jockey before them. The train to the next checkpoint didn't leave until tomorrow after the racers left, so you decided to do a bit of sight seeing. You strolled down the dirt roads, window shopping as you went along. Pausing in front of a shop to admire a handsome looking dress shirt, your attention was diverted by the sound of a gathering crowd.

Looking to the side you noticed a group of 20 or so girls clumped together. Curious as to what could have caught their attention, you walked over. You were somewhat surprised to see them fawning over a young Johnny Joestar, Gyro's riding companion. He was handsome, sure, but not exactly your type. You were more into guys like...

"Where's Gyro?" one of the girls asked.

"Now there's a man who I'd pay to trample me with his horse," you mumbled to yourself. 

"That's an interesting thing to say." When you snapped your head around, you were standing face to face with the one and only Gyro Zeppeli.

Your jaw dropped to the floor, face turning a bright red. No words came to your mouth, just a bunch of jumbled syllables as you tried to come up with something to say. The blond before you laughed a kind of hearty laugh. It was the kind of laugh you could feel in your own chest, and it was one that made you laugh nervously along. Finally his joyous voice died down, and he looked at you with a tantalizing smirk. Your knees went weak as your mind filled with thoughts of him and you alone together. 

How his body looked under all those riding clothes. How his voice would sound whispering sweet nothings in your ear. The way your mouth would look around his.... no! Now was not the time for this!

"Just so you know," Gyro raised an eyebrow. "There are much better things we could do together than me trampling you with Valkyrie."

"Is that an offer?" You gasped, dumbfounded. 

"Maybe. And maybe this is a paper with where I'm staying tonight in case a handsome fellow like yourself wants to stop by." Gyro winked before brushing past you towards Johnny.


A good while was spent debating with yourself over whether you really should see Gyro tonight. He didn't know you, and you didn't know him past what every other fan knew. But something about him brought out your deepest desires, driving you mad.

You eventually built up the courage to go over to the inn he was staying at. Part of you thought it would be rude to show up unannounced, but at the same time he didn't leave you with any means of communication. Only an address and a room number. Hell, it might not even actually be where he was staying. Still, you were desperate enough to take the chance. This was Gyro Zeppeli we were talking about, after all. He could have his pick from almost any woman in the Steel Ball Run crowd, and yet he chose you. You were a bit shocked he swung that way, but there was no way you were going to complain.

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