Abbacchio x Reader: FEVER

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You swung the door of the group's hangout open dramatically, water dripping from almost every inch of your body. You tried to comb the soaking hair out of your eyes, only for the strands to fall right back into your vision. You let out an annoyed huff, storming over to where all the boys were sitting. 

They hadn't seen you come in, and were suddenly surprised when they heard the squashing of your shoes enter the room. They all looked at you with different expressions: some of pity, other of worry, while Narancia and Mista tried their best to hold back laughter. The only person not paying attention to you was Abbacchio, which caused you to scowl.

His golden eyes were trained on whatever book he was reading, completely ignoring your presence. You gave everyone a quick greeting before stomping over to him. You placed your hand on his book and pushed it away from his face, crouching over and forcing yourself into his field of vision. He furrowed his eyebrows as he swatted your hand away.

"You're getting the pages wet, keep your hands to yourself."

"You're not even gonna greet your favorite member when she comes back from a mission?" you teased. However, his lack of response continued to annoy you. "Whatever, you're always so antisocial anyways."

You stood back up, turning away from Abbacchio and going to join the other boys at the table.

"You should probably change, y/n. You must've been in the rain for awhile if you're that wet, you'll get sick if you don't change into some warmer clothes," Giorno insisted.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll change after I have something to eat. That mission took all day so I'm starving," you raised your voice slightly at the end, hoping to get some kind of reaction from Abbacchio.

You glanced at him from the corner of your eye, only to see he had not moved in the slightest. You let out a sigh of defeat before plopping down an empty seat. At that exact moment, Bucciarati had walked in.

"Y/n! You're soaking wet! Don't sit in the chairs, you'll ruin the leather! Go upstairs and change right now!" 

"Okay, mom," you joked, earning a laugh from all the boys except the only one you really cared to see smile.

You scowled again, getting up from your seat and going to your room to change. As soon as the door was closed behind you, you began to strip. Using exaggerated motions, you dragged your shirt over your head, flailing your body around and mumbling to yourself all the while.

"Stupid Abbacchio and his stupid face. He's always so rude. He never says hi, or welcome back, or asks how my day was. All he does is sit in his seat and read or listen to some kind of old blues music. Argh! He's so annoying!"

You began to undo the buttons of your jeans, sliding them down your legs. The wetness the fabric and your skin caused them to stick, and you began shaking your legs wildly to get them off, too angry to care about whether they ripped or not. 

"What a jerk. I have no clue how Bruno gets along with him, he's such a shut out. When he's not hiding in his own little world he's bullying Giorno. Hell! He even made the poor kid drink his piss! He's only 15 for christ's sake. Abbacchio should act more like an adult! Ah, why do I care about that bastard!"

You had finished taking off your top layers, so you were only left in your bra and underwear. You only realized how light headed you felt when you went to take a deep breath. Suddenly, you felt short of breath, and the world around you began to spin. You felt your body temperature rising rapidly as you tried to reach for something to stabilize yourself against. Eventually you crashed into your bed, trying your best to keep your eyes open. However, fatigue got the best of you and before you knew it, you were drifting off to sleep.

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