Gyro x Reader: DOCTOR

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Doctor!Gyro x Nurse!Reader


The wheels of the tool cart squeaked as you rushed down the white halls. You passed by the countless rooms for patients, moving as quickly as you could without risking anything falling from the cart. Someone had brought a critically injured patient to Mr. Zeppeli; however, he was already dealing with another patient at the time so he left you and Gyro in charge of it.

This was the first time you were dealing with an actual person, as the past four months had consisted mostly of training with dummies. Your nerves were on edge, and you did your best to steady your breathing in attempt to slow down your racing heart. You felt your nurse's cap start to slip as you ran, and you used a hand to position it back on the crown of your head. The cart jolted to the side at the absence of your second hand, but you quickly returned it and steadied everything.

You slowed your pace as you approached the room Gyro was in. You knocked on the door, not entering until you heard the young doctor tell you it was okay. Opening the door slowly, you pushed the cart in, bowing slightly before going to Gyro's side.

He was dressed head to toe in white, with small purple stripes accenting parts of his jacket. He ordered your to pull his hair back as he slipped on a surgical mask. You acted quickly, pulling pins and clips from your own hair and securing them into Gyro's. Your hands brushed against the soft skin of his neck as you did so, and you felt your cheeks heat up at the contact. 

Not wanting to hold Gyro back, you stepped away from him once his long hair was out of his face. You watched in awe as he retrieved his green steel balls from his side and got to work. No matter how many times you saw him in action, it always amazed you. Even when he was just practicing, you could watch him concentrate for hours and never get bored. The spin of the balls was captivating, and Gyro preformed it with such ease that it made it seem like a child could do it.

Gyro placed the spinning balls next to the gaping wound of the patient, offering them some relief from the pain. The next two hours consisted mostly of Gyro working to stitch the patient up while you stood back and observed, handing him the tools from the cart whenever he asked. You made sure to constantly check the IV drip hooked up to the patient, and sanitized anything Gyro handed back to you the moment it landed in your hand. Though it wasn't much compared to what the Zeppelis did, you knew your job was still important. It helped to take away unnecessary worries and time wasting activities.

Finally, Gyro pulled the last stitch that would close the wound in his patient. He made sure the string was secure before cutting away the excess. He nodded to you, leaving you alone to go find his father and inform him the operation was successful.

The moment he left the room you allowed your posture to drop, exhaling all the air you didn't realize you were holding in. As you waited for Gyro to return, you got started on the clean up process, brining all the utensils to the sink in the back of the room and washing them down. Part of you thought it was unsanitary to use the same tools on different patients, even after they had been washed, but you just assumed that using the steel ball helped keep everything clean and safe.

When you were done washing everything down, you made your way back over the patient. You checked to make sure everything was still okay with drip before marveling at the neat stitches Gyro had done. You smiled to yourself, a light blush developing on your cheeks.

He really was amazing. You wished you could be as talented as him, maybe then he would notice you more.

"Good work today."

You jumped a little at the sudden voice, seeing Gyro leaning against the door frame and removing the gloves he had been wearing during the procedure.

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