Jotaro x Male!Reader: FAMILIARITIES

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Requested by: Imsorry3000



+ written in third person +


Jotaro had been fighting enemies ever since his last year of high school. There were so many of them, it was pointless for him to keep track of them all this point. Although he didn't always remember their names, their faces seemingly always haunted his dreams. There was no escaping the nightmares of his past; after all, stand users were attracted to other stand users.

When he came to Morioh Town, his only plan was to tell some kid almost half his age that he was the love child of his grandfather. He was to tell Josuke Higashikata that when the old man died he would receive a third of the inheritance and that was all. Of course though, it could never be that easy. Along the way he ended up getting roped up in his significantly younger uncle and his friend's search for a serial killer.

All Jotaro wanted for once was a break, so when him and his younger companions found themself lost in a mysterious wood on the outskirts of town they were greatly surprised to see a female peaking her head around a tree.

"Ah, excuse me ma'am! Do you know the way out of this forest? None of us have ever actually been in here before, so we kind of lost our way," Koichi shouted out to the hiding form.

Slowly, she revealed herself. She wore an off the shoulder sundress that was patterned with small flowers and leaves. The fabric was tight against her upper body, showing off the curve of her bust, but after her hip the skirt of the dress flowed freely against her legs, falling just below her knees. A stunning rose gold necklace hung around her neck, a bright f/c gem attached to the dainty chain.

For a moment Jotaro thought he was hallucinating, but if Koichi had spoken to the figure then they must actually be there. She looked so unbelievably familiar. She had the face of someone he had known, but the memories of that person were so far repressed in his mind he was unable to retrieve them.

"I do know the way out." Her voice was one of the softest the boys had ever heard, and if any of them were afraid before those feelings of fear were distilled within that moment. "But I'm sure the four of you must be tired, would you like to come to my home and rest for a bit first?"

Koichi looked to Josuke, Okuyasu, and Jotaro; none of whom had any issues with taking a quick break. "That would be great, if you don't mind."

"Not at all." Her kind voice stirred something within Jotaro. He was certain he knew her; her name was on the tip of his tongue. It was driving him mad.

The group followed the girl in silence, listening to the naturalistic sound of the forest as they walked. Jotaro continued to scan the girl up and down. She wasn't wearing any shoes, the soles of her feet tinted a light brown from the muddy ground. He noticed a solid gold anklet shifting as she walked, and Jotaro couldn't help but be reminded of his old school uniform. When he moved his eyes back up her body, he realized she had been looking back at him. He felt a rare blush rush to his cheeks, and a sudden vulnerability came over him.

"We're here," the woman announced.

Her home was nothing much, just a small cottage in the middle of the woods decorated with vines growing up the sides. It was very fitting of its surroundings, and blended in surprisingly well with the scenery. The inside; however, was disproportionately large compared to the exterior. From the outside it looked as though the house could have no more than two bedrooms maximum, but in reality stepping foot into the house was like stepping foot into a fully furnished mansion.

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