Josuke x Reader: STYLIST

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Josuke x Stylist!Reader


You worked under Aya Tsuji, doing all that you could to assist her in her strange daily activities. The older woman found it odd that you came looking for work instead of love, but that uniqueness about you is just what led her to allowing you to stay. She even made sure to pay you handsomely, though you were almost certain she was giving you far too much for just being a simple helper; not to mention the fact that you were only in your first year of high school as well. You saw no reason to complain though; you got to spend your free time working in a strangely fun salon and you got paid while you were at it. 

You seemed to meet a new person everyday, though it was rarely you who took care of them. Ms. Tsuji seemed to be able to work some kind of unseen magic, so you typically dealt with cleanup or simple hair cuts. You had only seen her in action once, and when she noticed you peering around the corner she made you promise never to do such a thing again. You shrugged it off as nothing though, going about your work day as usual.

As often as you met new people, you saw and made acquaintances with many regulars as well. One of the in particular was quite the character. No matter what time he came in, he was always wearing his school uniform. The top buttons were always undone, clipped to the side with decorative pins and exposing a yellow undershirt. His eyes were a brilliant blue, and at times you would find yourself getting lost in them as you worked.

The strangest part about him though, was that he always walked in with his hair already styled. At least once a week he would come in, ask for you to wash and restyle his hair, and then leave. He didn't want it cut, he didn't want you to try something new with it. Just wash it and redo it so it looked the exact same when he left as when he walked in. You questioned why someone would waste their money in such a way, but never brought it up. At the end of the day that was your paycheck money and you weren't about to scare it away.

Today was one of the days the odd boy came in. He entered without a word, sitting in his usual chair. You approached him with a warm smile on your face and a cape hung over your arms.

"The usual?" you asked cheerfully.

The boy hummed in agreement, never looking directly at you but instead resting his face in a slight pout as he stared at himself in the mirror in front of him. You moved to stand behind him, draping the cape over his shoulders and clipping it in the back. You toyed with the collar to make sure it wasn't too tight around his throat, making sure to pull out the baby hairs that rested at the nape of his neck.

Moving over to your station, you grabbed a hair brush and positioned yourself in front of the pouting boy. For some reason, he always seemed to be withholding some kind of anger whenever you brushed his hair out. You just ignored it though, thinking that if he wanted you to stop he would either tell you or not come in, in the first place.

You brushed out his pompadour, trying not to make any rude faces at the stiffness of his hair. It was obvious he used lots of gel and spray in order to keep it styled nicely, but the fact that he was torturing his hair like that every day made you cringe. You hoped that he at least washed it out the minute he got home, but from what you could gather about his personality you seriously doubted it.

When his hair was entirely brushed out, you took a step back, shaking out your arm that was now sore from the rigorous combing. You took a short pause to put your own hair up, making sure it stayed out of the way for when you went to wash all the product out of the strange boy's hair. You noticed he seemed to be glaring at you as you did so, and a slight shiver ran up your spine.

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