Kira x Reader: PETALS

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Requested by: pikkelz



You collapsed in front of the toilet, shoving your fingers down your throat to pull out the flower petals that blocked your airway. The violet colors of the flowers mixed with your saliva, staining the tips of your fingers a deep purple. You coughed as the sweet scented petals continued to fill your throat. Holding the sides of the toilet bowl, you vomited into the dirty water.

It wasn't food or stomach acid that came up, but whole flowers. The wetness of your mouth made them stick to your tongue and the back of your teeth, and it was all you could to do to scrape them out with your fingers. You continued to wretch into the toilet, filling it with a dozen different types of flowers. Tears filled your eyes from the stinging sensation of the flowers filling your lungs and forcing themselves through your windpipe.

Three months ago, you were diagnosed with Hanahaki. It was rare in today's time, but somehow you managed to catch it. The disease was the result of unrequited love, and it would surely lead to death if not treated. Unfortunately for you, there were only two cures for the disease: have your love be returned, or have surgery to remove the flowers from your lungs. Doing so; however, would remove any feelings of love and affection you had towards that person as well.

To most people the answer would be simple. If the love was unrequited anyways, then removing the flower would be killing two birds with one stone. You, on the other hand, could not bring yourself to agree to such terms.

His name was Yoshikage Kira, and you worked along side him at Kame Yu. He never spent much time with anyone from what you could tell, and more often than not he ignored any offer to hang out with coworkers outside of the office. It was a mystery as to what made you fall for him, but there was no denying that every little movement he made sent your heart into a frenzy. He barely ever spoke to you and yet you found yourself daydreaming of the life you could live with the stunning blond.

As closed off as he seemed to others, you could tell there was something more to him. You could feel it deep in your heart that there was a side of Yoshikage he didn't show anyone. You would do anything to see that side of him. Hell, you would do anything just to have him look at you for longer than five seconds. But unlike the desperate women of your age who were scrambling to find a husband, you knew better than to throw yourself at a man. It was unflattering and simply rude to do such a thing, so if you were going to ever get rid of this disease you would do so with dignity.

And if it so happened to kill you first... you didn't want to think about that possibility.

When your airway was finally clear of flowers, you forced yourself to stand. Using the back of your hand you wiped away the spit that gathered at the corners of your mouth. You looked down at the colors that were smeared across your knuckles, and you felt hopeless. You somehow managed to survive three months of this torture, but you weren't sure how much longer you'd be able to withstand it.

You pulled down your skirt as you exited the bathroom stall, careful not to get any stains on it. Moving over to the sink, you scrubbed the colors from your hands only to look in the mirror and notice a red and orange smear running across your cheek. Sighing outwardly, you wet your fingers and scratched at the streak, taking your makeup off with it. You dried your hands and face quickly, not wanting to be away from your work desk for too long. You spared a few seconds to fix some strands of hair that fallen out of place, and by the time you were done it looked as though nothing had even happened.

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