Kakyoin x Reader: RED|STRING

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!Gore Ahead!


You thought it was just a myth, the red string of fate. Something your mother had told you about when you were a child just to put a little extra bit of hope in your heart. She told you it connected two people who were soulmates; two people who were forever destined to be together. It was said to connect those who were two halves of one whole. It didn't matter the time, place, or circumstances, those few who were joined by such a string would be bound by it forever. The string could be pulled, tangled, and knotted, but never broken.

It was an invincible string, representing the strength of love itself.

The older you grew, the less you began to believe in things such as fate and the red string. Life was such a hopeless thing in your mind, there was no point in pursuing such childish ideals. They only existed to help others feel as though their life had purpose. Still, you couldn't help but feel a nagging feeling deep within you that you were missing something. 

You had discovered that something one day on a trip in Egypt. You had gotten separated from your family, and while you were searching for them, you stumbled upon a red string that was winding down the road. Curiosity got the better of you as you reached down and grabbed it, tugging on it slightly to see if it would go taut. Surprisingly enough, it did. You watched in bewilderment as the thread you held in your hands moved on its own, tying itself around your pinky finger. You tried to loosen the knot and pull it off your finger, but it refused to budge.

Thinking the only way to remove the string would be to find the other end, you continued to pull and follow it down the maze of roads. With your attention focused solely on finding the end of the thread, you payed no attention to your surroundings. You instinctively followed the red line until you ran face first into someone's back. They turned to face you with a confused expression on their face.

You looked up to apologize to them, but your words faltered as you made eye contact with the stranger. As you stared into their amethyst eyes, a strong feeling inside your chest told you, you knew the person. As unfamiliar as their appearance was, their soul felt so much like home. Your eyes traveled down their sharp face, lingering on their plump lips only for a moment. You continued to study their strong shoulders and shapely chest, your eyes tracing their arms until stopping at their hands. Tied around their pinky was a red string, just like yours.

Both of your bodies moved on their own, raising the ensnared fingers and touching them side by side. Your shaking eyes met his, and the two of you were left speechless. The limitless thread you were holding in your hand before had disappeared, and there was now nothing indicating the distance between you and the boy before you. As if testing some kind of theory, you pulled your hand away from his, mouth dropping when red thread appeared from thin air connecting your pinky to his. You looked up once again, just now realizing how bright his red locks were against the desert town's scenery.

"Have we met before?" The boy tilted his head, a long red curl swinging along with the motion.

"Perhaps, in another life?" It was more of a question to yourself, the stories your mother had told you in the past flooding your brain as you examined the red string that bound you and the boy before you together.

"I'm Kakyoin."


That was the first memory you ever made with Kakyoin, in this life at least. The chipper boy was seemingly unaware of the tale of the red thread, unsure as to why it tied him and you together. You knew its true meaning, although for some reason you couldn't quite bring yourself to tell him. It didn't take much time for you to become accustomed to him, growing more attached to the eccentric boy with every second that passed. From the moment you laid eyes on him, you knew there was something different about him. Even if the red string had not joined the two of your spirits, you were certain you could have fallen in love with him over, and over, and over again. You would find a time to tell him what the red tread truly meant... eventually.

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