Dio x Reader: SAVIOR

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!This is a PART ONE and THREE DIO fic!


Written from Dio's POV


She had told me she fell in love with me the moment she laid eyes on me. She was a good friend of that Erina girl, which in turn made her aquatinted with Jojo. Despite knowing my brute way towards her friend, and the harsh actions I pinpointed at the blue haired son of the Joestars when I was a barely a teen, she remained infatuated with me.

I used to constantly yell at her to leave me alone; it was always so annoying the way she tailed me every day. Most of the time she didn't even speak to me, she just blushed to herself and stood in my shadow. Besides her attraction to me, she was quite the righteous woman, that Y/n.

She was the perfect person, really. Not a day went by where I didn't see her sticking up for someone weaker than her. She got into a lot of fights for a girl, and not those unassuming cat-fights that women often stage. The fights she got into were full on fist fights, typically with people much larger than her as she tried her best to protect children or other women who were being harassed. Her clothing hindered her greatly in those mini brawls, the long skirts of her dresses weighing her down - but more often than not she was still quicker than her opponents. She could usually get a few solid jabs in before being tossed aside. Her antics were always just long enough though, giving the person she was protecting enough time to scurry away.

It was a mystery to me how someone as pure hearted and strong willed and her could possible be in love with a heartless fellow like me; but then again, everyone has their quirks.

There was one day in particular I could recall as clear as day. Y/n was trailing behind me in the way she usually did, and for some reason it annoyed me more than usual.

"I already have a shadow, I don't need you lurking behind me as well!" I barked at her. She stared back at me with a blank expression, a purple and blue ring adorned around her eye from a fight the day prior. Looking at the shining bruiser angered me even more. "Why do you constantly waste your time following me around?!"

"Because I love you," she responded simply, like her answer was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Love is a fool's game." 

"That's my favorite kind of game."

For a moment I saw the smallest hint of smile on her face, and thinking back to it I believe that to be the first time I ever saw her smile. A genuine smile, not the kind she wore when she laughed at a bad joke her blonde friend told.

It was also the first time someone had ever made me feel the slightest bit flustered.


She was in the Joestar mansion the day I turned the stone mask to myself. She saw the depths of my soul that day, all the ugliest parts of me. The hatred, the rage, the jealousy. I exposed it all to the small crowd before me, but it was as if she saw none of it.

I could see the urge to approach me written in her eyes as I stood, opposing Jonathan Joestar. Before she had the chance to, she was dragged out by a yelling blond man with a strange looking hat. I could see the pain in her eyes as he pulled her further away from me. I hated the way that emotion looked on her face. 

A twinge of annoyance pinched my heart when I saw him place his hands on her delicate skin. I ignored it though, preoccupied by the blue giant before me. I had assumed she had disappeared along with everyone else by the time the mansion had exploded into brilliant colors of yellow, red, and orange. Still, as I lay, impaled on some coincidental statue the Joestar's displayed in the grand entrance of their mansion, I found myself wishing to see her one more time. I began to dream the warmth of the fire surrounding my dying body was hers, and it helped me to feel at peace.

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