Polnareff x Reader: LOVERS

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"Y/n!" The distant sound of your boyfriend calling for you from the bathroom rang throughout the kitchen. You sighed, dropping the knife you were using to spread jam across your morning toast.

"Yes, love?" You responded, not moving from your seat in the kitchen of your shared apartment. You furrowed your bros at the lack of an answer, reluctantly getting up and walking down the small hallway the bathroom branched off from. "What," you barked, somewhat angrily this time.

"Did you use the rest of my hair gel? I can't find it anywhere!" Your lover's head emerged from the cabinet under the sink. Your eyes widened as you stared at his long, silver hair that was cascading down his shoulders. He blew a few strands out of his eyes, trying to hold some of it back with his fingers. Despite living with each other for over a year now, it was rare that you saw Polnareff with his hair down. He would fall asleep with it still styled and wake up earlier than you in order to make sure each and every one of his hairs was in its rightful place before you even got the chance to say good morning.

"Y/n?" Polnareff questioned your far expression, drawing you back into reality.

"Why would I ever use your hair gel," you chuckled lightly, leaning into your hip as you stared at your idiot of a boyfriend. He pouted in confusion, clearly wondering where his precious gel could have gone. Even though he often lacked the common knowledge a person of his age should have, you couldn't help but smile warmly at him. Polnareff was perfect in all his stupidly unique ways, and you wouldn't rather be in love with anyone but him.

"Are you sure you didn't use the last of it yesterday? Or maybe you just misplaced it? Try checking the garbage to see if you threw it away by accident." Your boyfriend's face lit up at your comment. He looked a bit too excited to be searching through the bathroom trash, and you couldn't help but giggle at him. Polnareff looked confused by your laughs, but eventually joined in, realizing just how strange he must have looked searching through the trash with such eagerness.

"I guess I did use the rest of it." He sighed in defeat, holding an empty container of his hair gel he had retrieved from the trash. 

"We can always go out and buy some more later, no need to worry about it. Come and have breakfast now, the eggs are going to get cold."

"But I can't go out in public without my hair being styled, Y/n!" Polnareff whined like a child, and you were about to poke fun at him before you noticed the tears that were forming in his eyes.

You crouched in front of him out of instinctual worry, cupping his face in your hands. "There's no need to cry, love. Here." You removed the hair tie you usually kept on your wrist and used it to loosely tie up your lover's hair. Parts of it were shorter than others though, so a few strands fell out and framed his face or fell over the back of his neck. "It's not what you would usually do, but I think you look really pretty." You smiled warmly at your boyfriend, and his eyes shimmered in adoration. 

"You're the best, Y/n!" Polnareff shouted, throwing his arms around your shoulder and burying his head in your neck as he pulled you in tightly for a hug. You laughed lightly, enveloping his large frame within your small grasp. You could feel his heartbeat against your chest as he pulled you closer, and it warmed your heart to know it beat for you.

Polnareff was usually quite busy, so you did your best to bask in sweet moments like this whenever they happened. Despite living in France away from all his friends, he still worked with and kept close contact with them, sometimes disappearing for little adventures in his section of the world. Today was one of the days where it seemed he had nothing to do, and you hoped to spend every minute with him.

"Why don't we go out for lunch later and then stop by the store to get you some more hair gel?" you suggested, pulling away from the hug. Your lover pondered for a moment before agreeing with a bright smile on his face.

"Are you sure my hair looks okay though? I don't wanna look like an idiot..." Polnareff shifted his gaze to the ground, embarrassed to be asking such a thing. On the outside he looked like a strong and confident man, but as you got to know him better you found him to be quite the over thinker.

"Polnareff," you placed a hand gently against the side of his face, stroking his soft skin with your thumb. Polnareff's eyes drift back to yours. "My love, you look good no matter what. Whether your hair is tidy and up, or messy and down. You could be wearing stained sweats with circles under your eyes as dark as the night and I would still think you were the most lovely person on the planet."

A thick layer of blush settled over Polnareff's cheeks as he listened to you. He wore the kind of smile a child would wear when their parent's complimented their outfit to school. 

"Well... okay then!" Polnareff sprang up, reaching a helping hand down to you. You accepted it, using the support of his strong form to help you stand. "And maybe... I'll wear my hair down more often, since you like it so much."

Polnareff looked away with a sheepish smile, and you couldn't help but smile yourself. You were glad to have fallen in love with such an amazing person.


I apologize for the shortness of this one, I'm kinda running out of ideas. I have the want to write things, yet I don't know what I want to write about so it's a little frustrating at times :/

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