Bucciarati x Reader: ANGEL

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Requested by: Jojobemyhoe


"Good morning, angel." Bruno placed a soft kiss against your temple as you sat at the breakfast table, a steaming cup of coffee resting warmly between your hands. You smiled up at him, offering a good morning with your eyes as you were too tired to speak.

Mista, who was seated across from you, yawned as he watched you interact with your boyfriend. He narrowed his eyes as his Capo took a seat besides you, somewhat jealous that the group leader had a girl to call his own. He feigned disgust when you placed your head against your lover's shoulder, a small yawn of your own escaping your lips.

"Hey, Bucciarati?" Mista spoke out. "Why do you always call Y/n angel? I know it's like a kind of pet name or some gross shit couples do, but you've been calling her that even before you guys started dating." He raised an eyebrow as he pointed at the two of you. 

"It's because when Bruno first met me, I quite literally fell from the sky into his arms." You replied sleepily, not really thinking much of your answer.

"You what?!" Fugo shouted from the entrance of the dining room, still dress in his strawberry pajamas.

"Would you keep it down anger issues? If you keep being loud you're gonna wake Abbacchio up and he's gonna beat your ass," Narancia remarked, appearing in the hall besides the blond.

You giggled at their bickering, picking your head up from Bruno's shoulder to get a better view of them. "It's true, you can even ask Bruno."

Everyone's eyes turned to your boyfriend, who was too busy staring down at your cutely messy hair to have been paying attention to anything you were just saying.


"When you met, Y/n, did she fall out of the sky?" Mista asked eagerly, hands propping his body up one the table.

"Oh, yeah. She just kinda plopped into my arms."

"How can you say that so casually!" Fugo yelled again, throwing his arms out to the side and nearly smacking Narancia in the face. The tan teen grumbled something at the younger before joining you at the table. You could see Fugo fuming with anger as he approached the table, snatching a fork out of Narancia's hand and jamming it into his side.

"Fugo, it's too early for this." Bruno complained, massaging his temples. By now Abbacchio had joined the breakfast table as well, though he just poured himself some coffee and didn't speak a word.

"So, are you gonna tell us how it happened!" Mista beamed, his curiosity at its peak.

"Tell you how what happened?"

"Holy shit dude! Tell us how guys met!" Mista slammed his fists against the table, making the plates and cups before everyone jump.

"Oh! I'm pretty sure it all started when I got myself in a bit of trouble with some random gang..."

⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽༓☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅ flashback ⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽༓☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅

Your heard your heartbeat pounding in your head as you bounded up a flight of stairs. Your lungs burned from the lack of air you were taking in - you were never good at running. However, running was your only chance at survival now, because the men on your trail certainly did not look like the talking type. They were covered head to toe in scars, their knuckles calloused and bruised and veins popped out the side of their necks.

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