Author's Note

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Hey guys! Just wanted to let you guys know that I start my last year of high school on Monday, so my updating schedule will probably become more spaced out. My goal is to be able to post at least once a week, but I tortured myself and took a bunch of AP classes so they're probably going to take up a lot of my time. I also work almost every day of the week, so I get pretty busy when school comes around.

I don't have any intention of disappearing, and if I get overloaded with school work I'll make sure to let you guys know. If you wanna stay updated on my stories and oneshots, it'd be best to follow me or keep track of my message board (which is where I'll probably post most updates). Once school starts picking up I will also probably close requests for a bit just because I don't want people to be waiting forever for their oneshots, but they won't be closed forever!

I hope you guys are staying safe during everything going on! I know your lives might be crazy right now but don't forget to make sure you're taking care of yourselves and don't feel bad if you feel a bit disconnected or lack motivation, it happens to the best of us!

I appreciate all of you that read my stories and I hope you'll continue to support me even if I become less active <3

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