Kars x Reader: GODDESS

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The pain he caused you was immeasurable, but to fall out of love with such a man was impossible. He was beautiful in every possible way, even his tainted heart was a piece of art in your eyes. You could see the storm raging on within him every second of his life, causing him constant turmoil. Deep down, he wanted the best for his people, but that meant he often disregarded the lives of other various beings.

You were almost certain you loved him in every possible way, but his actions were unforgivable. The chaos he caused among your earth was terrifying. In his path to become the perfect being, he had all but forgotten what it meant to truly be alive.

"Why?" Silent tears slid down your cheeks as you glared at the man before you. "Why must you destroy the things I have given life to! Don't you understand that they, too, are living breathing creatures, the same as you are?!"

Thunder cracked every time you raised your voice, lightning striking in the distance behind you. Your heart and brain were fighting inside your body as you spoke. You did not want to punish the one being you had come to love in your eternal lifetime, but you knew he needed to be stopped less he destroy everything you had worked so hard to cultivate and create.

"The humans and animals you care for are nothing compared to what I will become after I succeed in retrieving the red stone." His face was expressionless, but you could make out the small cracks in his voice as he spoke. You could tell that he, too, did not enjoy hurting you in the ways he did; however, it was also apparent he did not plan on stopping until he reached his goal.

"Why do you torment yourself in such ways? I can see the pain and suffering within you, so why do you persist?" Your voice grew softer as you spoke, the words spilling from your lips laced with sympathy. You could not understand why he was so set on becoming the ultimate being, but you understood the pain he felt within. Why could he not see that pain he caused you was the very same he held in his own heart?

"I can assure you, there is no kind of suffering happening within me. What I cannot comprehend, is why you wish to stop me." His eyes swirled with a mixture of emotions, so many that it was impossible to discern just one. His long purple locks flowed gently with the breeze that swirled around you, the horns atop his head protruding in such a way that they looked like a crown. "Look around you, goddess of life. You already have everything you could ever need, can you not understand that I wish to have the same thing?"

He motioned to the scenery around you: the tall willow trees that loomed over, creating a small clearing hidden deep within a forest of mystery. The ponds that glistened in the milky moonlight, full of colorful and lively fish. The field of flowers and fluffy white dandelions that grew taller than the emerald green grass. The stone throne you sat upon, one that was covered in moss and cracks but was still elegant enough to be graced by the body of a goddess.

"You live an endless life, one that has already been perfected. Nothing could ever go wrong in your domain! Don't you find it hypocritical that you are able to live such a life but are trying to take it away from me and my comrades?"

"Kars, you are but a childish fool." Anger started to well within you once again, creating a much more violent storm that shredded the leaves of the trees surrounding you. Your hair began to grow at an alarming rate, turning a crimson red. It fanned out behind your head as you stood from your throne. Slowly, you approached Kars who was unmoving from his current position.

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