Gyro x Fem!Reader: SHOPPING

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Requested by: Marvel_Nerd_101



"Hey, babe?" Gyro poked his head into your shared room. His face was twisted with a slight confusion. You peaked your head up over the cover you had tightly tucked yourself under.

"Yes, love?"

"What's this you put on the grocery list?"

"What does it say?"

"I'm not sure, I've never heard of it before."

You sat up in the bed, "Bring it here." Gyro walked over to you, holding out the torn piece of notebook paper that had various foods scribbled over it. "Oh! That's the brand of heavy cream I like. You wanted me to make panna cotta, right? I need it for that."

"Ohhh, okay. But where is it in the store?" Your boyfriend scrunched his eyebrows together.

"Here, let me change. I'll come with you," you started to get out of bed but Gyro stood in front of you.

"I can find it myself, you don't have to strain yourself."

"I'll be fine, don't worry." You pushed him to the side gently, standing up and stretching your sore limbs.


You stood on your tip toes, planting a quick kiss on Gyro's lips. A soft blush spread over his cheeks and you chuckled before disappearing into the bathroom. You didn't change into anything fancy, just some clean sweats and a cropped T-shirt. Though your boyfriend looked at you as if you were walking down a fashion runway.

The drive to the grocery store didn't take long, and it felt even shorter since Gyro put on a playlist of all your favorite songs. He loved to watch from the corner of his eye as you quietly sang along. Your voice was soft enough that had he not been intentionally listening for it, he wouldn't have been able to pick up on it.

As Gyro pulled into the parking lot of the grocery store you started to worry. It's been awhile since you've actually left the house, and the brick building appeared to be glaring at you. Stores don't have eyes, you reminded yourself. But that didn't stop your stomach from twisting when Gyro opened your car door. He saw the look on your face and bent over so he could be eye level. with you

"We'll go fast okay? In and out, no longer than 20 minutes." He stroked your cheek, you nodded into his touch.

Walking to the doors, you did everything you could to ground yourself while your boyfriend laid out a mental map of the most efficient route the two of you would take around the store. The air inside the store was heavy, thick with the scents of a hundred different people. It made you feel queasy, but you pushed that feeling down for Gyro's sake.

"Let's get the cream you need first. After that all you have to do is follow me, okay? You could even go back to the car if you want."

"I'll be okay." You tried to sound confident but your voice came out weak and hoarse. Gyro's eyebrows tilted upwards but you did your best to ignore his worried gaze as you led him directly to the heavy cream. You grabbed an extra carton just to be safe, placing them next to each other in the shopping cart. "Alright, let's get the rest of the stuff and get the heck out of here," you chuckled nervously. Gyro gave you a reassuring smile.

You followed him down what felt like an endless amount of isles, each of them littered with at least two or three people. You were starting to think Gyro was right to suggest you staying home. These past few weeks it was becoming harder for you to cope with your anxiety. You were leaving the house less and less until you stopped going out all together. Gyro was stuck running errands and doing basic shopping tasks. You felt like a burden on him because of that, and you thought making him a special dessert as a thank you would be nice.

The panna cotta was the last thing on your mind. Every now and then you would catch the gaze of a stranger. Was there something on your face? Something wrong with the way you dressed? Why were they looking at you? What were they whispering to that person standing next to them? They couldn't possibly be talking about you, they don't even know you. But then again... what if they were? What if you were doing something totally abnormal and embarrassing Gyro in front of all these people and he just didn't have the heart to tell you?

You turned your gaze to the floor, hoping that by avoiding eye contact with the people around you, your racing thoughts would come to a halt. Still, you couldn't shake them from your head. It was slowly getting harder to breathe, and you felt as though you were losing control over your body. It was like you were a wind up toy and slowly running out of energy. 

Gyro picked up on your anxiousness when your chest began rising and falling at uneven intervals. He could hear the shakiness of your breath, it sounded like you were trying your hardest not to cry. The blond was unsure what to do, knowing that if he stopped to console you in front of all these people it would most likely make it worse for you. So he tried to be as subtle as possible. Keeping on hand on the shopping cart he reached down with the other, capturing your fingers within his own. Your gaze shot to the sudden touch, eyes softening as you watched Gyro intertwine his fingers within yours. It wan't much, but it gave you enough security to clear your head a bit.

You started going over the techniques you and your therapist had worked out. All the while Gyro kept a close eye on you, ready to scoop you up and leave should it be necessary. He was happy to see you regain control of your breathing all on your own. Leaning to the side he placed a quick kiss against your temple as if to say, "I'm proud of you." A redness quickly took over your face at the public display. You really did have the best boyfriend.


I know this is kinda short and probably not the best, but I've been away for quite some time so I'm a little rusty. Still, I hope this was enjoyable. Sorry for the long wait, I'm in the homestretch of my first semester so hopefully when break rolls around I'll be able to write a bit more!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2020 ⏰

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