Mista x Reader: HOME

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It had been weeks since the boys left on their mission. They had left in a hurry, insisting that you remained at the hangout. Not even Mista, your closest friend of the group, bothered to stop and tell you what was going on. Before he left, he insisted they would only be gone for a few days, a week at the most. The longer they stayed away the more worried you grew.

A pit of doubt began developing in your stomach. If something happened to them, how would you even know? They didn't tell you where they went, so you would have no way of tracking them down either. You had a stand, but it wasn't one the boys viewed as very useful. All it could do was read the emotions of others, which was sometimes handy for interrogations, but that often made you a burden in actual battles. 

That's why whenever they went out on missions, you would stay behind. Much like during those times, you now found yourself cleaning anything and everything. Even if you had cleaned it just hours earlier, it gave you something to do. Something to keep your mind off the steadily growing fear.

The boys had never left you alone for so long before, and whenever they were gonna be back a day or two late they would always make sure to tell you. So why? Why hadn't you heard anything from them for so long?

You felt tears start to well in your eyes as you bit your bottom lip. One by one, rain drops began to bounce off of the windows. They quickly started to pick up pace, slamming themselves into the glass one after another. Soon enough it was storming. Flashes of lightning struck ground in the distance, a loud rumble of thunder following soon after. 

You wiped your eyes dry before any tears could actually fall. You just had to have faith in the boys. You had to have faith in Mista. 

No matter what you did, your mind always trailed back to him. You felt guilty for thinking about him more than the others, but you couldn't help it. He was the first one to welcome you to the group - besides Bucciarati of course, who found you wandering the dark alleys of Naples all alone one night only to discover you had no family or friends. Fugo and Narancia were always too busy bickering to pay you attention, and it was quite obvious that Abbacchio was not fond of strangers. The newbie Giorno was easy enough to get along with, but he didn't show up until much later.

That left you no one to confide in but Mista, and he had no problem with that. 

Ever since you met him, thoughts of the brown haired boy often found themselves creeping in the back of your mind. Every time you saw him, your face would break into a gleaming smile that rivaled the sun. Your eyes would sparkle and a faint redness would spread over your face. You thought it was normal, having never had a real friend before you assumed that's how everyone felt. However, when the other boys finally started paying you attention and you became close with them, you realized that the way you felt about them and Mista were completely different. You didn't exactly know what it was or how to explain it, but you just knew.

You recalled casually bringing it up to Bucciarati one day, and being confused when he seemed so shocked by your sudden confession. He had to explain to you what your own feelings were, telling you that at some point along the way, you had fallen in love with Mista. You didn't understand what he meant at first, but the more time you spent with the boy with the arrow hat, the more you wished he would never leave your side. 

Every time he went out on missions you couldn't help but feel... lonely. Even if everyone else was still around, without Mista you didn't feel like yourself. You had never felt so dependent on someone before, and in the beginning it scared you. However, you were soon able to realize that he brought out the best in you, and that was something you didn't want to let go of. 

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