Abbacchio x Reader x Mista: PAST|MISTAKES

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Requested by: Imsorry3000




It'll be a simple mission, he said.

All you have to do is discover his stand power, he assured you.

What Giorno Giovanna had not told you; however, was how little the new and revamped Passione really knew about the target. They knew his name and he was the leader of the now removed narcotics team, but that was all. His appearance was vaguely described by the previous members of his group before the last chapter of their lives was written, yet all of them seemed much more afraid of him than they did death. They exposed minimal details, somehow managing to frustrate a level headed Giorno into ordering their death after a few days.

You had expected the mission to be as simple as he said, so when your target openly approached you and Mista the two of you were at a loss for words. He didn't say anything, didn't have any sort of angered expression on his face. His face was unmoving, like that of a porcelain doll. Not a word was spoken when his stand emerged and split off from his body. You were the first to make any sort of noise when a solid punch to your boyfriend's stomach sent him flying backwards.

"Mista!" The scream that left your throat was raw, and you rushed over to him as bricks from the wall he collided with fell around him. He coughed up a bit of blood, but quickly regained his composure.

"This is nothing, Y/n. Keep your eyes on the target!"

By the time you had turned around, a solid punch was already being thrown your way. You barely had enough time to throw throw your arms in front of your face before the strike connected with your skin. The sound of your bones cracking under the pressure reverberated through your skull, but you were not about to let the pain dull your movements.

Retaliating quickly, you brought your own Stand out and threw a few punches in front of you. Not one of them connected with your opponent or his Stand. He was standing less than a foot out of your range, but in the end you were unable to reach those extra few inches. You could hear Mista's Sex Pistols talking amongst each other as he loaded his gun.

"Duck!" As soon as Mista's voice entered your ears you did as your were told. Not even a second later the three shots he fired flew over your head. The little yellow figures riding the bullets shouted directions to each other, but in the end all of the shots were somehow deflected.

"What the fuck?"

"Y/n! How did my Sex Pistols miss? That should have been a perfect shot!"

"I have no idea, I didn't even see him-" Your response was cut off by a sudden wind rushing past you. Time felt like it slowed down around you as your pupils moved to the corner of your eyes, just in time to glance at your enemy's Stand beside you. For a split second you thought you were done for, but quickly realized that it's focus was locked onto Mista.

As your eyes traveled down you noticed one of its fists had a golden aura about it. You had no idea what that meant, but the thought your boyfriend being the first to experience the mysterious power sent you into a panic. The sight triggered a surge of adrenaline, and you managed to grab ahold of the Stand before it got too far away from you. Your sense of time returned to normal as you swung yourself around to the front of the Stand, placing your hands firmly against its chest and digging the balls of your feet into the ground to stop its movements. It was useless. The Stand continued to move forward, matching the same speed it had when it nearly passed you.

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