Diego x Reader: EXHAUSTION

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Fatigue weighed heavy upon your eyes as you did all you could to keep yourself awake. You clenched the reins connected to your horse tightly within your hands, hoping the slight sting of your strong grip would keep you alert. However, the bobbing of your horse as she trotted lulled you into a sleep like state. The twinkling stars in the night sky did nothing to help your case. Against your own wishes, you pulled at the reins slightly, signaling your horse to stop. She obeyed obediently, stopping completely after a few steps.

It had been months since the Steel Ball Run first started. It began in the harsh deserts of the west and slowly transitioned in to the rocky terrains of the Rocky's, where you were now. The days seemed endless as you often got little to no sleep, more worried about other competitors attacking you than the wildlife. You had heard rumors of some contestants, Johnny and Gyro you recalled, who had gotten into numerous fights, although the hot air balloons that were constantly flying over the race never seemed to catch them in the act.  Every now and then another name would be thrown into the mix, but you couldn't tell truth from lie.

You were scared, to say the least. You needed to win this race in order to bring back money to your home, as your father had accidentally gotten involved with some kind of gang and now your family was heavily indebted to them. But that was a story for another day, as right now you could barely keep your eyes open as you sat atop your horse. 

You slid off the saddle, nearly collapsing as your feet hit ground. Your knees buckled and you toppled over, barely catching yourself with your hands as they hit the rocky floor beneath you. You hissed slightly at the pain, not even having to look to know that your palms were now decorated with tiny cuts.

"Woah, careful there," a voice spoke out from the distance.

Your head shot up to try and find the source of the voice, but your eyes were clouded with sleepiness and the figure was too far in the distance to make out anything clearly. Squinting your eyes to try and see who it was, the only thing you could make out was a form walking besides a horse. Whoever it was had dismounted their steed and was leading them by the reins. Your body tensed up, unsure of whether the person before you should be considered a threat or not. You didn't think you were weak by any means, but there was no way you could deny that in your current state you were as easy a target as any.

"D-don't come any closer," you croaked out, exhaustion present in your voice.

The figure did not listen, instead chuckling softly and continuing to approach you. You tried to push your body up, only for your lack of strength to fail you and send you crashing to the ground: face first this time. Choking on the cloud of dirt you stirred up when you fell, you coughed into the ground. With much effort you were able to hoist yourself to your hands and knees again, looking up only to see the figure that was approaching you earlier was now crouched right in front of you. Despite your vision still being blurred from fatigue as well as dirt now, you would recognize that bright turquoise turtleneck anywhere. 

It belonged to none other than Diego Brando, one of the fan favorites. Where he came from and why he had chosen the same path of you was besides yourself. You were too tired to think about those things now. All you wanted to do was sleep, and all you could do was pray and hope that he had not come here to start a fight.

You tried to push yourself away from the talented jockey, only to end up falling in the opposite direction. Your weakened body toppled into Diego's chest, and within seconds you were fast asleep. The blond was shocked by your sudden action, thinking you were trying to make a move on him before realizing you had fallen asleep. Usually, he would find the action distasteful and repulsive, instinct telling him to push you away. However, you were different to him. From the moment he laid eyes on you at the beginning of the race he had been mesmerized by you. 

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