Fugo x Reader: BREAKFAST

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Requested by: TallDark_n_Anxious 



Bruno Bucciarati. He was only four years older than you yet he seemed too mature for a person his age. His trauma laced childhood had forced him to grow up much too soon, just like you. Bucciarati had saved you from that cycle of depression and anxiety with only a few words and a kind gesture, and for that you owed him your life. You decided the moment you met him you would dedicate yourself to serving him, and although he insisted you stay as far away from his line of work as possible you ignore every bit of it. Going behind his back, you met with Polpo in order to join Passione. You passed his test with ease, gaining a stand of your own that allowed you steal and manipulate the memories of others.

After that Bucciarati had no choice but to accept you as a member of his group; however, he declared before you even set foot into his mansion that you would not be included in any missions. If your ability was to be utilized, one of his other members would bring the target to you, you were never allowed to pursue them. You had no objections, just happy that you would be able to be of use to the man who rescued you.

Today was your first day in the mansion. You didn't know when, or even if Bucciarati would ask for the help of your stand, so you decided to be useful in other ways. Tip toeing out of the room you had been granted, you creeped your way to the kitchen. It was a large room housed within an even larger mansion. The sheer size alone stunned you, and you couldn't help but stare at it in awe for a few minutes.

You finally came to your senses, taking a few laps around the kitchen to feel out where everything was. You spotted a cute pink and black laced apron hanging on a hook and slid it over you head, tying the straps behind your back. If you weren't going to be sent out on missions, then the least you could do was cook for Bucciarati and the rest of his gang. If you remembered correctly, there were six boys (including Bucciarati) and one girl. You were excited to meet the only other female of the group, Trish was her name. For now though, you settled on preparing breakfast.

As quietly as possible, you fetched a flat pan and a large bowl for mixing. After sifting through the pantry and fridge for a few seconds, you found all the things you needed to make pancake batter. You worked quickly, wanting to have the food ready by the time everyone else woke up. With swift and graceful motions, you mixed together your ingredients and prepared the batter. You poured small amounts into the pan that had been heating on the stove, being sure not to make any one pancake too large or too small.

The first came out a bit charred and flat, and you took that opportunity to experiment with how the stove worked. You weren't the best cook but you knew how to make a select few dishes fairly well, it was just a matter of getting used to the cookware available to you. The second pancake came out much better. It was cooked the perfect amount and it wobbled slightly as you placed it on a large pate to the side, showing just how fluffy and light it was. Proud of your creation, you repeated the exact same steps you had just done. After a few minutes you had almost ten pancakes stacked up on the plate. Unsure of how much everyone would want to eat you continued to make more, thinking it would be better to have extra than not enough.

You hummed quietly to yourself as you cooked, singing what few tunes you remember from the times of your childhood. Most of your memories from them had long since been suppressed into the depths of your mind, so you ended up cycling through the same three songs. You heard the sound of footsteps pattering against the tile floor as you finished up. Wiping your batter covered hands on the apron, you turned to the entrance of the kitchen to greet whoever was there.

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