Bucciarati x Reader: INTRODUCTIONS

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Requested by: lemongurl25



You were walking side by side with your brother down the bustling sidewalks of Naples. It had been a while since you'd seen him, as you've been studying abroad in Japan. Bruno was ecstatic to hear you were returning home to Italy for a time, and insisted on housing you during your stay. You were hesitant to accept at first, knowing just about everything having to do with his line of work. In the end you accepted his offer, knowing that anything was better than having to pay for airway and  hotel fees.

"Since we're in the area, would you like to meet the members of my group?" Your brother smiled brightly, a warm and inviting feeling carried in his expression.

"Is that really a good idea? I mean, I'm only in college after all. I'm not really trying to get mixed up in any mafia business right now.."

"Nonsense! Nothing will come of it, and if for some reason there is an issue I'll make sure to solve it right away!" Bruno's smile turned sinister as he spoke. "Plus I'm sure the boys would love to meet you."

"Have you even told them about me?" You raised an accusing eyebrow.

"Haha... not exactly..."

"Yeah, that's what I figured." You rolled your eyes in a joking matter, but ultimately agreed to meet the people your brother spent most of his time with. 

After walking for a few more blocks, Bruno led you through the doors of a very fancy looking restaurant. Golden sunlight broke through the tall windows, spilling over the numerous tables scattered throughout the large room. Bruno grabbed your hand, leading you past the host at the reservations podium. The man offered you a kind smile and greeting.

"It's good to see you again, Mr. Bucciarati. Is that a girlfriend accompanying you today?" The host's brows were raised in curiosity.

"Gross!" You spat. "He's my brother, can't you see the similarities?" You stood side by side with Bruno, moving a pointed finger between the two of you.

"M-my apologies." The host bowed and Bruno dismissed him.

You could already hear a chorus of voices as you were led to a decent sized room that branched off the main restaurant. "Wait here." Your brother disappeared into the room, leaving you standing in the entry way just out of view of who you assumed were the members of Bruno's group. You could hear your brother talking to them, but he was too quiet for you to make out what he was saying exactly. Wanting to make sure he wasn't talking shit about you, you slowly peaked your head into the room.

"Now I want all of you to be on your best behavior. It's not often you guys have girls around and I shouldn't need to remind you that she's my  little sister. Everything you say to her is gonna come right back to me so get all your dirty thoughts out of your head right now. I'm talking about you Mista."

Bruno glared at a young man wearing a cropped sweater and strange looking arrow hat. Even from a distance, you could smell his scent of B-O and dried blood. You scrunched your nose, planning to duck back behind the wall but someone had already spotted you.

"Is that her, Bucciarati?" A boy with dusty yellow locks pointed in your direction. Your body froze up as Bruno whipped his head around and made direct eye contact with you. He shot you an annoyed glance and you responded with a sheepish smile.

"I told her to wait for a reason, but yes." Bruno waved his hand, motioning for you to reveal yourself. "Everyone, this is my sister, Y/n. Y/n, these are the members of my group."

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