Jotaro x Reader: TEARS

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Jotaro x Sad!Reader



Why were you crying? Why did the tears fall from your eyes in endless streams that you were unable to control. Just a moment ago you were completely fine, happy even. So why? Why did you suddenly feel like the world was collapsing in on you?

All you wanted to do was disappear. Becoming something that didn't quite exist but still had consciousness sounded so much better than being alive as a human. You rubbed harshly at your eyes, trying to do anything to get the flow of tears to stop. You were so tired of this happening. Of you feeling happy one moment and then completely devastated the next. There wasn't much wrong with your life. The only thing you could possibly think of that would bother you is your parents constantly being away on business trips, but the presence of the Kujo's always made you feel better.

Holly was like a second mother to you. She had to raise you in most cases, and she was always caring with you. You loved her as if you were of the same blood. You did everything you could to help her, repay her for the kindness she was under no obligation to show you.

Her son, though broody and often cold towards women, was your best friend. Even if he refused to admit it, you knew he looked at you differently than he did other people. He looked at you in the same way he looked at Kakyoin, or Polnareff: as a close friend. Although the connotation of being just a friend sometimes made your heart feel heavy, you decided you were happy with that.

No matter how close you were to them though, you refused to let either of them see you like this. So weak, and fragile. Unable to protect yourself despite insisting you were strong on the outside. They could never be allowed to see you in this state. It would be too embarrassing. Besides, Holly would only get worried and Jotaro... Jotaro probably wouldn't even care in the first place. Hell, he might even make fun of you for it.

You continued to cry as you collapsed atop yourself, curling into a ball. The bedding beneath you wrinkled as you pulled your body closer. You shook as the sobs wracked your body. Knowing that this feeling came from no where in particular made you feel even worse. It made you feel like something was wrong with you, like you were too different from everyone else. Your overactive imagination forcing you to see images of everyone you knew and loved leaving you behind as the shackles of your sadness weighed you down.

A sudden sob escaped your mouth, and you started to cough as you tried to bring air back into your lungs. You couldn't even recall when the last time you took a breath was. You covered your mouth and hoped no one had heard you. 

But someone did hear. Your quiet cries had reached the ears of none other than Jotaro, who just so happened to be passing by your room to sneak into the kitchen for a midnight snack. The sound of your coughing made him freeze in his tracks. He stood just outside your door, listening for any other sound that might come from you. 

When he didn't hear anything he turned to leave, but something inside of him nagged at him to stay. He put his foot back down, facing your door fully now. He was hesitant to knock, settling on just calling out to you instead.

"Y/n? Are you okay?"

Your body went rigid. You didn't know someone had been listening to you, and that person being Jotaro only made everything worse for you. You tried to remain silent but the quivering of your lips prevented you from keeping your mouth shut any longer. You cried again, harder this time.

Jotaro took this as an excuse to enter, pushing past the door and rushing over to your heaped form. You closed your eyes tight, ignoring the sound of his voice and hoping he would just leave. You covered your ears as his words threatened to break through.

You didn't want him to see you like this. You just wanted him to go away.

Instead of leaving you alone, Jotaro knelt besides you. With slow movements, he scooped up your still shaking body, placing your head against his chest. He hugged you tightly, the warmth from his body seeping into yours. It made you realize just how cold you had been earlier.

You nuzzled into him more, letting his warmth give you a slight sense of comfort as you continued to cry against the silent giant. He didn't say anything to you, he just held you. Occasionally, his fingers would travel along your back, drawing patterns of circles or stars. You didn't understand what he was doing, but whatever it was it drew you out of the lonesome depths of your own mind, even if only for a moment.

Your tears slowed as he worked his fingers into your hair, gently massaging your scalp as he started to rock back and forth.

"I-I'm not a child," you choked out.

Jotaro stopped moving, glancing down at you with a rare look of worry. You became captivated by his eyes that were swimming with concern and fear. The emotions were not towards himself, but towards you. You realized he had been trying to comfort you,  but of course the anti-social boy had no idea on how to do such a thing.

"S-sorry," he stammered.

A thin layer of brush spread across your cheeks when you realized just how close you were to him. You could practically feel the breath from him nose on the top of your head. It did seem to calm you down though, as you were no longer shaking and your tears were all but dry.

"What's wrong?"

"Honestly, I don't know," you admitted quietly, your voice nothing but a whisper.

You remained silent for a moment, debating on whether or not you wanted to speak again.

"I-It just happens sometimes. I become so overcome with sadness and stress that I just completely break down. It's always unprompted and that only makes me feel worse. It makes me feel like a mistake."

You pulled yourself closer to Jotaro's large frame, mentally comparing your height to his.

"Ya know what I do when I start to feel sad?"

"Huh?" you asked, genuinely interested by the idea that Jotaro Kujo actually felt emotions.

"I think of dolphins."

You laughed quietly.

"I'm serious," he looked down at you with a scowl. "I don't know why, but whenever I think of all the different creatures living in the ocean side by side, it calms me down."

"Most people are usually scared of the ocean dummy," a hoarse chuckle left your lips.

"Maybe. But for me it's a source of comfort. It's a way for me to think about something other than what's worrying me, and since the ocean if so big I never run out of things to things to think about," he explained.

"You're one weird dude Jotaro Kujo."

"And what makes you say that?"

"To think that the man with a face of stone smiles when he thinks of something as obscure and odd as ocean wildlife. Maybe you should become a marine biologist," you thought aloud.

"You think so?"

"I mean, why not?"

You could have sworn you caught the flash of a smile on his lips before Jotaro tipped his hat down to cover his eyes. Silence settled over the room, but this time it was comforting. You relaxed into Jotaro's arm that was still protectively wrapped around you, allowing your eyelids to flutter open and shut.

"What are you thinking about now?" Jotaro asked.

"Dolphins," you yawned, burying your face into the tall boy's chest as you drifted off to sleep.


A girl is going through it rn, but I started to slowly feel better as I wrote this. Not totally fine, but definitely better than I was when I started this :)

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