Jolyne x Reader: BUTTERFLIES

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!!SPOILERS for PART SIX ahead!!


At first, it was dark. You felt like you were floating in mid air, nothing around you for miles. Then a light started creep up, making its presence known even through your closed eyelids. You didn't move for a long while, not until you felt something soft, and a little wet, beneath you.

Your eyes fluttered open to reveal a bright light shining directly onto you. You raised your hand over your face to shield yourself from the light, allowing your eyes some time to adjust. When you felt comfortable, you slowly began moving your head around to take in your surroundings.From what you could tell, you were lying in some kind of tall grass. It was so tall that you couldn't see anything over it by simply lying down.

As you sat up to get a better look around, your hand naturally traveled to your stomach and throat. You didn't know why, but there was a nagging feeling in the back of your mind, as if those spots were for some reason important.

You looked down at the areas your hands covered. An image of your body lying helpless on the ground with giant gash wound oozing crimson blood quickly flashed before your eyes, only to disappear less than a moment later. For some reason the vision didn't bother you though. The wave of peace that washed over made the image seem foreign. In a matter of seconds you had already forgotten just what it was you had seen in the first place.

You used your hands to help push you upright until you were standing. Your eyes gazed over the grassy green field that seemed to stretch on forever around you. There was nothing but you, the green sea, and what seemed like a white sun in the distance. You started to walk, not really knowing where you were or where your legs were taking you.

With each step, your feet would sink slightly into the dewy ground. You had no idea what time of day it was, but judging by the amount of light and wetness of the grass you assumed it was early morning. You continued to walk into the ever stretching distance. At some points it felt like you weren't even moving since the scenery never changed.

Eventually, you spotted a butterfly in the distance. Something about the small creature drew you closer to it. Its pull became so strong that before you even realized it you were running towards it. The closer you got the more clear it's pink wings became. The butterfly made no attempt to fly away as you grew closer to it. In fact, it didn't even seem to notice your presence at all.

You observed the flying insect, watching it fly in zigzags and loops. A second one soon appeared in your field of view, but this one started to move away from you. Something inside of you told you to follow it, so you did.

This butterfly was a bright green color, its wings decorated with a small heart pattern. As the butterfly guided you, you began to notice flower buds sprouting under your feet. You turned around to look behind you, only to notice the once empty field was now filled with a wide variety of flowers. 

From hyacinths, to roses, to tulips. Flowers that were red, purple, white, basically every color imaginable now stretched for as far as your eye could see. Still, for some reason you were not shocked. The butterfly you had been following floated in front of your face once more, as if urging you to continue following it. You did so without question, allowing it to lead you through the grassland that was steadily becoming a flower field. 

You closed your eyes for a moment only to blink, and when they had reopened you found yourself standing at the trunk of a large oak tree. It seemed to be about three or four people across, the bark of the tree glistening with sap and life. You looked up to see the top, only to be met with a canopy of leaves that obstructed almost your entire view. Somehow though, the light from earlier still managed to break through and illuminate where you stood.

Out of the corner of your eyes you caught sight of a third butterfly, this once a brilliant sapphire color. Again, it drew you in, prompting you to walk towards it without reason. It fluttered away from you gracefully, disappearing behind the tree. Deep down you knew it wasn't running from you. You kept your eyes trained only on the flying insect, until it seemed to land upon someone's finger.

You trailed up the body of the person it was attached to, your eyes resting upon a certain space-bunned figure. Most of her hair was a black color, her bangs and a braid that laid against the back of her head accented with bright green. Her emerald eyes weren't trained on you, rather the butterfly resting atop her finger. She smiled warmly at it, her green lipstick matching the color of her hair. 

Suddenly, your entire body pulsed. It seemed to radiate off your body as the butterfly flew away into the distance. The woman before you turned to face you. Most of her torso was exposed, and what clothing did cover her body seemed to have some kind of white spider web looking pattern. On her left arm was a tattoo of a butterfly, a similar design to the one on the fabric of her shirt.

Her gaze slowly shifted towards you, a warm feeling coming off her as she smiled at you. She was so familiar to you, and her identity was right on the tip of your tongue but you couldn't quite grasp what her name was.

"You're finally here," her voice was gentle, like a mother speaking to her crying child.

A gust of wind blew past the two of you as you stood face to face. Normally you would have found it odd that such a wind could have traveled through despite your bodies being blocked by the large tree, but all thoughts of questioning and confusion just slipped through your mind.

Out of no where, a large swarm of butterflies like the ones you had seen earlier encased you and the woman. It was almost as if you were being swept up in some kind of tornado, one like from the Wizard of Oz that would take you to some far away land.

"We've been waiting for you," her soft voice broke through the piercing silence you hadn't realized what surrounding you.

Suddenly it all hit you.

You looked down to see a gaping hole in your stomach. It didn't hurt, but blood was still gushing from the wound, creating a small pool below you. The red liquid spilled from your throat as well; it had been sliced open almost all the way through.

You didn't scream. You didn't cry. You just remembered.

"Jolyne," her name rolled of your tongue sweetly.

"We're safe here. Emporio has already taken care of the Pucci. We can rest now."

You smiled at her, tears you didn't even feel coming on streamed down your face. In the distance, you saw five more figures approaching the two of you. Annasui, Weather, Hermes, Mr.Kujo, even F.F. was there. Your smiled began to quiver as your rushed to hug your friends, pulling them all as close to you as possible for fear you might lose them again.

The future had been placed in the hands of a young blond boy in a baseball cap, and though you felt bad placing such a heavy burden on him, you knew he would be able to bear it. As you pulled away from the hug, Jolyne interlocked her hand with yours. You exchanged glances of understanding between each other, knowing all that was left was for Emporio to live a long fulfilling life, and then all of you could finally be a family again.


The end of Stone Ocean kinda broke my heart a little bit but imma just pretend like everyone is okay is some alternate dimension.

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