Narancia x Reader: CAUGHT

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Mafia!Narancia x Cop!Reader

!Slight Gore Ahead!


You rounded a corner into a narrow alley. Your target's identity was hidden by the shadows of the buildings, but you knew it was them. You had been chasing and capturing various members of Passione for months now, and you were almost certain you were close to bringing the whole thing down. All you needed now was to find out who the boss was; even if you only got the first syllable of their name, you were confident you could find them.

A lead had fallen into your hands a few months back saying there was a group greatly trusted by the boss, and if you were able to get ahold of just one of their members you might be able to get something out of them. Of course, if they worked so closely under the boss then it would be difficult, but there was no way in hell you were going to give up. 

You would not succumb to the rest of the corrupt force in Naples. You were a cop for justice, and despised those who easily accepted bribes. They were all scum in your eyes, and you had no problem hunting them down along with the mafia members. 

Your target today was especially nimble on their feet. Running as fast as you could get your legs too move, your muscles burned every time your feet made contact with the hard concrete below you. You pushed on despite the pain, knowing the person before you was most likely one of the only chances you would get to gain such precious information.

Using your arms to propel you forward, you started to gain on the person in front of you. Your eyes were focused on nothing but the back of their head as you closed the distance between the two of you.

Ten feet.

Eight feet.

Five feet.




Just as light began to break through the end of the alley, you lunged. You were almost certain your target was within reach, but suddenly a sharp pain in your arms, legs, and torso was sending waves of hurt coursing throughout your entire body. Your movements faltered, and you collapsed to the ground, catching yourself on your hands and knees. You screamed out at the pain, but it was muffled by the blood that came up from your throat; your lungs were punctured.

Covering your mouth with your hand, you coughed as the red liquid dripped from your lips. With every movement you made, your vision blurred more and more. You gasped for air, only for your own blood to suffocate your airways. You coughed again, trying your best to clear your throat and hopefully your lungs as well.

You had no idea what hit you. It came out of no where and drilled into your body, as if a tiny fighter jet was rapidly firing bullets at you. But that was impossible. The person chasing you didn't even turn around when it happened, could there have been someone else with them? Someone lurking in the shadows that you didn't notice?

Your body shook violently. You had never experienced such pain in your life before. If felt like your body was on fire yet drowning underwater all at once. You felt extreme nausea and dizziness, like you could pass out at any second. It was all you could do try and remain conscious.

You couldn't give up until you caught them.

"W-wait," you managed out, weakly reaching your hand out to your target who hadn't traveled very far.

Their back was turned to you, but you could see their body go rigid when you called out to them. You blinked back the fog that shrouded your eyes, trying your best to study every feature of the person in front of you before they disappeared again. Oddly enough, they looked like someone you knew.

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