Risotto x Reader: EYES

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You stared at yourself in the mirror in disgust. Using your pointer finger you pulled down in your cheek, dragging your bottom eyelid along with it. Doing so exposed the black of your eye that for most people was white. Hatred filled your eyes as your singular red iris stared back at you.

You despised this eye that didn't belong to you.

You despised your soulmate for cursing you with this eye.

That's right, your soulmate. The person you were destined to love with your entire being was the very same person that made your life a living hell. In this messed up world you lived in, one eye in your head was your own, while the other belonged to your fated lover. Whenever it so happened that you crossed paths with that special person, your own eye was supposed to be returned to you.

For most people that wasn't an issue. Their own eyes were accompanied by ones that were blue, green, or purple. No matter the combo they always looked beautiful. But your e/c orbs were paired with a monstrosity of dark colors. You tried to convince yourself that it could've been worse, and you could've been someone who's eye color matched that of their soulmate making it nearly impossible to find their lover.

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad had it not been for your line of work. As a member of the largest gang organization in Naples, and working under one of the highest ranking Capos it was always better if your identity be kept as anonymous as possible. However, with the singular distinct eye you had it was nearly impossible to keep your enemies (and even fellow Passione members) quiet.

There were always rumors being spread about the threat the girl with the crimson eye posed. People on the streets either feared you, or sought you out to try and prove their strength. It was quite a nuisance when you were just trying to enjoy time alone, and it was even more of a hinderance during stealth missions.

Even trying to cover it was a waste of time. Strangers would either ask what you were hiding underneath the bandage, or assume that the only reason you kept the eye covered was because it stood out so much. Colored contacts weren't much help either, as the black always found a way to peak out from under them.

Sighing to yourself you left the bathroom, descending the stairs that led to Bucciarati's favorite meeting place. Your Capo was seated at the large round table, having a conversation with Abbacchio about some teens who had been causing a ruckus lately. Narancia and Fugo sat across from them. You could see Fugo's patience growing thinner by the second as he tried to explain division to the older boy. Mista and Giorno were no where to seen, most likely preparing the supplies for the group's next assignment.

"I'm going out for a bit, call me if you need me." You waved to Bucciarati.

"Alright, be careful. You know how much attention that eye of yours draws."

"You don't need to remind me."

You exited the building, taking a breath of fresh air as soon as you stepped outside. Allowing your body to relax as you exhaled, you began your track down the busy streets of Naples. The sun beat down on the people walking down the crowded sidewalks, but every few minutes a cool breeze would blow through. The chill of the wind made the small beads of sweat on your body cold, making you to shiver. You shook it off, continuing your walk as you longingly gazed at the street side shops.

You would have loved to look around any one of them, but you knew you would not be able to do so peacefully. Not only did you n it want to cause a disturbance should a rival gang member spot you, but you simply did not want to deal with the judging and questioning stares of the common folk. You've gotten them your entire life, even from your parents who gave the cold shoulder because if it.

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