Santana x Reader: STONE

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Requested by: buddybuster

Santana x CareTaker!Reader


You walked briskly down the dark hall, the stack of papers in your hands threatening to spill over with each step you took. Your white lab coat flowed behind you as your heels clacked against the concrete floor; wearing human clothing was such a pain sometimes, but it was something you had to do if you were ever going to get closer to finding your comrades.

You drew nearer to your destination: a small room at the end of a long hall in the basement of your government research facility that was located in Germany. You had been working there for almost eight years now, quickly developing a bit of fame among the facilities scattered across the world as one of the best scientists they had around. Of course you would be, having lived for thousands of years longer than any of the humans it was only natural that your intelligence far exceeded theirs.

You were about to push open the door to report your most recent findings on new technology that could be used to improve the human structure, but paused when you heard a quiet conversation taking place. Curious as to what could be being discussed without your presence, you leaned your ear against the door.

"Did you hear about what they have in the Mexico facility?"

"What? Did they come up with a new weapon we can use in the war?"

"It's even crazier than that! I heard that they found some kind of creature that was embedded into a stone pillar, but somehow it was still alive. They don't what it is or how long ago it lived, but they're doing tests over there to see if they can wake it up. It looks pretty ancient, but if it's strong enough we might be able to use it as some kind of super soldier!"

Stone pillar? It couldn't possibly be... but then again, what if it was? You couldn't pass up this opportunity. Even if it wasn't true, and the people on the other side of this door were just talking nonsense, you had to see for yourself. If it really was... him.

You slammed the door open, completely ignoring the papers you were holding as you dropped your hand to the side and balled it in a tight fist. The documents fell to the floor slowly, cascading downwards and sliding across the ground once they landed. Your heart was racing the fastest it had in years, and it was all you could do to keep your breath steady and not look like a psycho before your german comrades.

"Take me there."


"I said, take me there."

"B-but professor, it's all the way in Mexico. Have you even talked to the general about it?"

"To hell with the general! I'm the best scientist the German army has right now! Don't you think I should be at the facility with the stone creature?" You barked.

The two soldiers before you looked at each other before turning their attention back to you. They looked skeptical, but there wasn't much they could do against your position of authority. "I guess that does make sense... I'll see what I can do about transportation."

That was how you ended up here, standing in a large open room that wrapped around a glass cylinder cage. Within the glass prison was what looked to be some kind of large tree, and poking out from it was none other than your child from a thousand years prior. He wasn't your biological child, but he was by far the youngest out of the remaining pillar people and it was your duty to protect him and care for him the way a mother would her own kin.

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