Avdol x Reader: FADING

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Requested by: BuzzinB33


!Slight GORE ahead!

!Minor PART THREE spoilers ahead!


It all happened in an instant.

There was no sound. No tearing of flesh or crunching of bones. It was silent.

Your descent to the ground happened in slow motion. It felt like you were falling forever, the air around you suddenly growing cold. The two men and the dog walking in front of you were yet to realize what happened. They were too busy exploring the vastness of Dio's shadowy mansion, peering around every corner in search of the enemy.

Avdol's flame had not detected any kind of hostile presence.

A small cloud of dust formed as your body finally collided with the ground- or what was left of it at least. It barely made a noise, the only person, or dog rather, that turned around was Iggy. His unusually expressive face contorted in confusion before his eyes grew wide from horror.

Iggy's shrill bark echoed throughout the large mansion, and Polnareff turned to scold the terrier. He swallowed his voice as his eyes naturally followed Iggy's gaze. His blood ran cold when he spotted your form.

"A-avdol...." The Frenchman tugged at the Egyptian's clothing to get his attention.

"Not now you two, this is a life or death situation we don't have time for your bickering!" Avdol whisper-yelled.

It wasn't until his gaze landed on your torso that he understood. His jaw fell open and tears immediately welled in his eyes. There were few things in this world that could bring Muhammad Avdol tears, and seeing your body void of anything below your hips was one of them.

A large puddle of blood had already surrounded your body. Every few seconds a thin stream would squirt out as your heart continued to pump blood. Your digestive organs slowly flowed out of your large open wound, the heavy stream of blood pushing them away from your body. You didn't try to move, instead focusing all your strength on breathing.

As Polnareff and Iggy remained frozen in place, Avdol rushed to your side. He nearly slipped in your blood, just barely catching himself before crouching down besides you.

"Impossible." His voice was almost inaudible. "My fire didn't detect any sort of presence. How could this have happened?"

Your pupils drifted over to look at him. You could see the fear in his eyes, yet felt none within your own. Instead, you felt oddly at peace. You did your best to smile, deterring your strength from breathing so you could weakly reach a hand up.

Your forearm and palm was stained with blood, but you were unable to recognize it as your own. Avdol could barely feel the pressure of your hand cupping his cheek, fingertips grazing the skin around his ear. All he could feel was the coldness of your touch.

"Please... don't cry... for me..." Pausing for a few seconds, you coughed violently. Your chest shook with the vibrations and blood shot out of your mouth, dripping from the corner of your lips. "There's no need... to feel sad."

Avdol used his own hand to press yours further into his cheek, a useless attempt at restoring the warmth that once existed in your body. With his free hand he pulled you closer. The entirety of what was left of you fit in his lap. He paid no mind to the blood staining his white pants.

His touch made you feel like you were being set on fire. Even his tears brought a burning warmth as they landed on your face. You had lost too much blood to tell if he was using his fire, or if you were just that cold.

"You're going to be okay, I promise." Avdol tried to sniff his tears away, but they would not cease.

"Please... do not lie to yourself... for my sake." You ran your thumb gingerly over his bottom lip.

Avdol removed your hand from his face, clutching it tightly within with own. He brought your white knuckles to his mouth, pressing a strong kiss against them.

"We'll save you. If I use my fire to sear the wound shut, the Speedwagon Foundation will find a way to fix you."

"We both know it's too late for that."

Your smile instinctively faulted at knowing you were taking your final breaths, but you made sure to raise the corners of your mouth again as to not make the man before you worry. All human beings feared death, you were no exception. But that was not say you were disappointed with how you lived until now. You were afraid of the unknown and what awaited you, but you felt no lack of peace given your accomplishments thus far.

To become the apprentice of a skilled fortune teller deserved praise in itself. To then accompany said fortune teller on a roundabout trip to Egypt in order to defeat an evil vampire was worthy of the highest praise. To fall in love with that man and die within his arms was a grand enough end.

Avdol has nothing left to say. All he could do was cry quietly over your smile. He knew it was too late. Truthfully he knew long ago your fate would be a gruesome one, but that did not stop him from falling for your bravery and will.

"Even in death, you are far stronger than I," he weakly chuckled. Your smile grew ever so slightly.

"I am unworthy of such praise, but just this once I will accept." You squeezed his hand gently, reminding him you weren't gone yet.

"You deserve my praise and a million others. I simply wish you had the time to spare to hear them all." Avdol closed his eyes as he cried, using both his hands to hold yours against his forehead.

"Hearing you speak so highly of me is enough for my simple soul." You allowed your eyelids to flutter close, feeling your end drawing near.

"Can I give you one more praise?"

"What else could there be to praise?" Your voice grew hoarse.

"It is quite the feat to steal the heart of man such as myself."

You chuckled. The movement of your chest brought you pain, but you didn't mind it.

"May I leave you with a few parting words of my own?"


"I've always, and will always, love you, Muhammad Avdol."

When Avdol opened his eyes again you were gone, your soft smile still gracing the delicacy that was you.


Idk how many of you have seen attack on titan, but someone came up with a headcanon that Mikasa works out because she couldn't life the wood that fell on Eren's mom and that made me cry for a solid five minutes in case anyone was wondering how my night was going. 

Header Image Link: https://static.zerochan.net/Stardust.Crusaders.full.2215555.jpg

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