Mista x Reader: SWEATER

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The stone of the balcony was cold against your feet. The milky white night gown draped loosely over your body swayed with the night breeze. You leaned your elbows against the railing, staring out into the vast city below you. Lights from the buildings twinkled like makeshift stars, spanning out for as far as your eyes could see. The city of Naples was not always busy during the night, but when it was it was like a living, breathing creature.

You tugged at the thin straps of your nightwear, hoping that pulling them closer would bring some warmth to your body. So much had changed for you in the past month, and you were having trouble coping with everything. You were so close to losing so many of the people you held dearest to you, and had it not been for the young newcomer that would have been the most likely outcome. Despite all the pain and suffering you faced, everything was settled now. The boss had disappeared for good, and Giorno had taken his place. It was supposed to belong to Bruno, but your Capo insisted it go to the young teen since without him there would have been no chance for success on our part.

You were relieved that everything was over finally and all your closest companions were safe, but memories of blood pouring out of your friends bodies invaded your mind almost every night. It was impossible to convince yourself to sleep at night, fear of those images plaguing your dreams pushing you to insomniac tendencies. On the worst nights you found yourself coming out onto the large stone balcony attached to the new mansion you and the gang resided in. Whether it was freezing cold, or smoldering hot, being able to feel something besides fear and agony was enough for you. It gave you a small sense of security, and a little was better than none at all.

Running your fingers through your hair, you sighed outwardly. Your breath turned into a small cloud of white, a shiver running up your spine as the cool night air tickled your exposed body. With your teeth chattering quietly, you stared out into the endless sea of lights, allowing your mind to wander just a bit into a feeling of comfort. That feeling disappeared quickly though, being replaced by the endless images of your friends fighting to their last breaths. Your body began shaking not from the cold, but from the thoughts of how useless you were. No matter how hard you fought besides the boys an Trish, you thought they would always be stronger than you. In your mind you were nothing but a hinderance on them, a deadweight holding them back and putting them through more pain than they needed to be put through.

Silent tears spilled over your cheeks as you continued to allow your inner thoughts shred you to pieces. You knew the threats were gone now, but you were so afraid of not being able to protect your friends should something happen again. They had already been through so much as children, and you couldn't stand to see them cry anymore. You would trade anything to make sure they could be happy, even if meant sacrificing your own life.

You were drawn out of your thoughts by the abrupt feeling of something being pulled over your head. Whatever it was, it was soft and warm, smelling of cologne mixed with a little bit of sweat. It wasn't the best of scents, but it was one you had grown to find comfort in.

"Arms," the voice of Mista spoke spoke from behind you, and you responded obediently. You held your arms up slightly, allowing the gunslinger to guide them through the sleeves of what you assumed was a sweatshirt.

Mista took a step back, allowing you to adjust his famous cropped sweater so it was comfortable on you. It certainly was large, almost looking like a normal shirt on you. You glanced down at the white criss cross pattern, nuzzling your chin into the high neck. You turned to face your friend, the dark sky hiding the dusting of pink across your cheeks.

"A cropped sweater that hasn't been washed yet doesn't really do much, ya know." You joked to your friend. An embarrassed smile formed on his face, and he looked away for a moment before turning his gaze back to you.

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