Fugo x Reader: BEAUTIFUL

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Unlike Fugo, you were calm around Narancia. His simple mistakes in math or history didn't send you into a fit of rage like it did the hot headed scholar. You would simply sigh softly, reaching over to point out the young boy's mistakes and then using a colored pen to correct them. You were so gentle, your movements calculated and graceful, yet so full of life.

Although your movements often helped Fugo settle down, he couldn't help but feel a bit of jealousy as he watched you focus so intently on helping Narancia. Sometimes, he wished he was as stupid as the dark haired teen so you would pay the same kind of attention to him. Still, he found himself feeling content with just staring at you from a distance, memorizing the shape of your eyes and the brightness of your smile.

Fugo sighed outwardly, leaning back in his chair as he plopped his pencil onto his notebook.

"I'll just leave this part to you then, y/n. Narancia learns better from you anyways."

Fugo stood from his seat, leaving you and Narancia alone at the table with slightly confused expressions. They soon vanished though as you forced Narancia to focus on a math problem again. Fugo crossed the room, sitting down in a chair near the window. He sat across from Mista, who was feeding his small yellow stands at the time.

Even though Fugo had moved away from you, his attention was still concentrated in your direction. He observed you as your soft voice explained step by step on how to multiply three digit numbers to Narancia. A small smile spread across his lips as he watched you quietly scold the boy seated next to you, whose attention had started to wander to things other than math. His eyes narrowed slightly though when he noticed Narancia subtly scooting closer to you. Though he was annoyed at his friend making such advancements, (if they could even be considered that) for some reason he was more annoyed that it didn't seem to bother you.

Mista noticed Fugo's sudden change in facial expression, and decided to follow where the light haired boy's eyes were trained. Mista's own eyes rested on you and Narancia, the latter of whom was staring up at you with puppy dog eyes when you informed him he got another question wrong. The gunslinger's gaze slowly trailed back to Fugo, a devilish smirk coming over his face.

"Whatcha staring at there Fugo?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

"Why is he so close to her?"

"H-huh?" Mista was shocked by Fugo's  sudden comment. 

Fugo turned to face Mista, realizing he had just said his thoughts aloud. "Nothing, don't worry about it."

Mista's shocked expression once again merged into one of smugness. "Are you... jealous?"

"What do I have to be jealous of, they're just studying. It's not like y/n and Narancia are on a date or anything," Fugo grumbled, his voice low as to not reach your ever perceptive ears.

"I never said anything about y/n and Narancia..." Mista began to laugh.

Fugo's face turned a bright red, and the sound of Mista's hearty chuckle had earned not only the attention of Abbacchio who had been sleeping peacefully in the corner, but you and Narancia as well.

"Hey! What's so funny?!" Narancia shouted.

"N-nothing," Mista tried to contain his laughter, but to no avail.

"Well shut up! I'm trying to study over here!" Narancia pouted.

The sad look on the young teens face made you giggle. His purple orbs moved to look at your face, your happy expression earning a soft smile from Narancia. Fugo saw this and felt his anger start to grow inside him. He tried to calm himself down by looking at you and only know, but knowing that Narancia had caused the beautiful smile on your face only pissed him off more. Abbacchio saw his expression and scoffed, annoyed by the antics of the youth around him.

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