Jonathan x Reader: HEART

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You cursed at the dress your mother had forced you to wear as you walked, stopping every now and then in order to catch your breath. The tightness of the corset made it difficult to breathe at times. You punched at your sides as if that would magically loosen the strangling fabric, but alas it did nothing but make your ribs hurt. You stared down at the crimson fabric of your dress, wishing you had a pair of scissors to cut off all the ruffles that flowed out from your waist. You hiked the skirt of the dress up, revealing the fluffy white layer beneath it. You sighed angrily, as no matter what you did the damn thing seemed to weigh you down.

You eventually gave up on trying to carrying it, settling for just stomping down the dirt path in order to dirty the bottom of it. If your mother was going to force you to wear such a thing even when she knew you hated it, then she was going to have to deal with cleaning mud and rocks out of it as well. It was bad enough she somehow managed to coax the fact that you were going to meet a boy out of you, but forcing you to wear a dress for the occasion only made the situation worse. She even managed to convince you to let one of the maids braid your hair. You were against it at first, but you couldn't deny the way she made it rest upon your head as if it were a crown was quite stunning. 

You were embarrassed enough to find yourself crushing on the eldest son of the Joestar family, and it didn't make it any better that your mother already adored the boy

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You were embarrassed enough to find yourself crushing on the eldest son of the Joestar family, and it didn't make it any better that your mother already adored the boy. Now you would never hear the end of it, and you knew she was going to do everything in her power to try and set the two of you up for real. Sure you liked him, but it wasn't like you planned on marrying him or anything. To you, marriage was a waste of time, especially to someone as young as you who had their entire life ahead of them.

Your plan was simply to tell the young boy you liked him, then go about your life as normal as you were sure he did not feel the same way. He had been hanging out with a young blonde named Erina recently. He had been spending so much time with her in fact, that he had even forgotten times when he was supposed to meet with you. You only hoped that today would not be one of those days.

You approached an old willow tree, the dying leaves of the tree a white color, making it look as though it were permanently encapsulated in ice. This was the usual meeting ground of you and Jonathan Joestar, as it was equal distance from both your households and easy to spot during any season. You were disappointed to see the space under the tree empty, lacking the presence of the boy you had asked to meet you. You sighed, a mix of anger, annoyance, and sadness residing in your heart.

You sat beneath the tall tree, leaning your back against it and praying that your friend was only late and he hadn't ditched you again. A heavy weight rested upon your shoulders. Life would become easier again once Jonathan rejected you, and you could force yourself to stop worrying about him.

A few minutes passed. A few minutes where you simply sat and watched the dying leaves of the willow tumble to the ground. They fell and swirled in the air, their paths constantly changing before finally resting upon the bright green grass. You heard the sound of a voice in the distance, though you payed no attention to it as you focused solely on the cascading leaves.

"I wonder where she could be," a soft voice spoke from behind the tree. From the side of your vision you could see someone peak their head from around the tree. You could tell it was boy from the size of his shoulders, but other than that you made no effort to get a closer look.

Neither you nor the boy seemed to register that the other was who they were looking for, as he disappeared behind the tree once more. You heard him take a few steps before calling out.

"Y/n? Are you here?"

Your head shot up. Without standing up, you crawled on your hands and knees to peer around the corner. You recognized the boy from earlier as Jonathan, and the one who had called your name out as well.

"I'm here, Jojo."

Jonathan's head snapped to the direction of your voice, mouth falling open in shock as his eyes landed on you. You suddenly felt embarrassed by his gaze, knowing he normally saw you in boys clothing as you despised the feminine dresses many other girls wore. You realized he must not have recognized you before because of it, which only made you feel more flustered for some reason.

You stood up quickly, suddenly feeling guilty about getting stains on such an expensive looking dress. You dusted the dirt from your knees in a frenzy, not wanting Jonathan to think you were some kind of slob. 

Why?  You thought to yourself. Why do I suddenly care how he views me?

"Y/n, you look-"

"I have a crush on you Jojo," you spat out, your words tumbling over each other in an attempt to get out of your mouth as quickly as possible. "I've had one on you for a long while now I'd say."

You stood upright, hands poised politely in front of you as you did your best to hold good posture. Your outside appearance greatly contrasted how you felt on the inside. Inside you felt like a mess, like you would throw up at any moment out of nervousness. Your heart crashed into your ribcage, and you worried by the end of all this you would need to go see a doctor for fractured bones. 

What worried you the most though, was Jonathan's sudden silence. He looked neither happy nor sad; neither angry nor confused. It was almost as if emotion had been erased from his face all together. You tried to contain your composure, but it wasn't enough to keep hot tears from spilling over your eyelids.

It wasn't until this moment that you realized just how badly you wanted Jonathan to chose you. You didn't want him to keep abandoning you to go hang out with Erina. You didn't want him to fall in love with her blonde hair and large eyes. You didn't want him to forget about you.

You wanted him to love you.

You looked away only for a moment in order to wipe the tears away. You had prepared yourself for rejection and you were going to deal with the way you had planned: with a straight face and strong heart. That moment meant everything to Jonathan though, as he took it upon himself to lunge at you, capturing your lips in a surprisingly rough and passionate kiss.

Your eyes opened wide in shock, as you had never expected the gentleman to commit to such a bold action. He broke the kiss only to reposition himself, kissing you more softly this time. One hand cupped your cheek while the other rested on the small of your back, gently pushing your body into his. You eventually gave way to the kiss, closing your eyes and wrapping your arms around the taller's neck. The action forced you to stand on your tip toes, but you didn't mind.

In that moment you weren't worried about seeming to feminine or fragile, you just wanted Jonathan to be yours. The blue haired boy broke the kiss again, resting his forehead against yours. You could feel his warm breath on the tip of your nose, and you smiled.

"Beautiful," Jonathan whispered, his voice silky and smooth. "You look beautiful. And you should know by now my heart belongs to you."

"Not Erina?" you questioned, insecurity present in your tone.

"She's a proper lady, but no one can compare to your uniqueness and the way you make my heart race," Jonathan reassured you.

"Then... Will you allow me to be yours, Jojo?"

"Of course, for I only exist in order to love you."


i feel like i never have enough interaction between the actual characters so if yall can think of a way to make that better please lmk 

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