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Ava was nervous, she didn't realise that during the next lacrosse game that night she would be playing against her old school, Devenford Prep. Mason had just told her whilst they were in the gym and she went to the bathroom to try and calm herself down. After splashing cold water on her face Ava went to the girls locker room to change into her other clothes. At the minute she was wearing gym leggings and a sports bra.

Ava threw her bag onto the bench by where she keeps her lacrosse equipment in her locker area when she notices her stick is missing.

Ava suddenly hears a noise, she walks through the locker room to where the sounds coming from and she finds a man holding a lacrosse stick. He's not old but he's still looks quite a bit older than Ava and other high school students.

Ava crosses her arms across her chest, feeling uncomfortable being alone with this man whilst she's just wearing a sports bra.

"What are you doing in here, you creep?" Ava snapped before she could stop herself.

The man ignores her and looks at the lacrosse stick in his hands. "Is this yours?" He asks then breaks the stick in half.

Ava looks down to where he throws the two pieces towards her feet and they clatter on the ground.

When Ava looks back up at the man she can feel that the change was happening. She could feel the usual anger bubbling in her chest.

Ava starts growling and when the man just lifts his eyebrows tauntingly, Ava lunges at him.

Before Ava could even do anything the man grabs her roughly by the throat and pins her to the lockers as she growls at him. The mans grip is tight around her neck but Ava tries to fight against him. He lifts her higher up the lockers and as Ava's growling she grabs his wrist with one hand and she lashes out with the other. Her claws manage to scratch his cheek open and Ava can see the surprise on his face.

"Ava." Scott's voice echoes through the room commandingly.

Ava calms down and she looks over at Scott where he's stood watching.

"You're right." The man still squeezing her throat said. "She is angry."

The man lets her go and she falls down the lockers but stays balanced on her feet.

"This one's yours." Scott said holding out her lacrosse stick. Scott tosses her the stick and she catches it. Ava turns to glare at the man when the school bell rings making Ava groan.

"Get to class, Ava." Scott said dismissively but still kindly.

"I need to change." Ava said motioning to her almost exposed upper body.

Scott appears to only notice her state of dress then as a red blush fills his cheeks.

"Sorry." He mumbles and tried to back away not wanting to make the young girl anymore uncomfortable than she probably already was.

Ava rolls her eyes and walks past Scott to where her bag was. As she's pulling her jumper on she listens to their conversation.

"What are you smiling about?" Scott asks.

"You're gonna be good at this." The man said.

"Are you kidding? I am totally unprepared. Remember how you said you could teach me a few things?" Scott said.

Ava went over to the mirror by the showers and started plaiting her hair. Ava smiled to herself when she heard the man say she would be strong but she was worried when they both said she would become dangerous with the anger she has.

Ava started walking out the door ready to go to her class when she felt eyes on her back.

She turned back to Scott and the other werewolf and saw him looking at her with interest as he touched his cheek that was now healed from where she scratched him. "Scott, tell your friend if I find him creeping on me again, I'll knock his teeth out." Ava snarled and then she ran to her next class which she was now late for.

Anger To Love; Theo Raeken [1]Where stories live. Discover now