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Melissa McCall came to the animal clinic with some hospital equipment.

Ava helped lay Hayden on the operating table and put a cushion under her head.

"What's that?" Ava asked when Melissa started bringing her equipment over to Hayden.

"It's called chelation therapy." Melissa said. "It removes heavy metals from the blood. But, the problem is, is that it can injure the kidneys and Hayden only has one to begin with, so..."

Melissa pushed the needle into Hayden's veins in her arm as gently as she could but Hayden still groaned in pain.

"Hey, you're hurting her." Ava snapped and grabbed Melissa's wrist.

"And you're hurting me."

"Sorry." Ava whispered and she let go of the woman's wrist.

"Guys... remember we're here to save a life. Not kill each other." Theo said looking pointedly at Ava.

"It's the full moon." Scott explains. "We can feel it even during the day."

"And it's a super moon." Theo said.

"What is that supposed to make you guys, like super strong?" Melissa asked nervously. "Super aggressive?"

"Both." Scott replied.

Theo sat outside the operating room of the animal clinic with Scott, whilst Ava was waiting with Hayden.

"You know you're gonna need help with Ava." Theo tells him.

"She'll be all right." Scott said.

"She's 16 and in love. First love. You remember what that's like?" Theo asked.

"Yeah, trust me, I remember." Scott reminisced sadly.

"All her emotions mixed with the super moon tonight aren't going to be good. And she's a girl, so all that anger she has in her is going to make her deadly." Theo said trying to hide his smirk.

"I can help you. And I don't mean restraints or chains." Theo said. "Ava needs someone to talk to. You do too, you need your pack Scott."

"I'm not sure I have one anymore." Scott admits.

Ava could feel the moon effecting her differently this month. Ava went outside the clinic to get some fresh air. She was bent at the waist with her hands on her thighs as she breathed heavily.

Ava saw feet appear in her line of sights and she looked up and saw Theo.

"What do you want?"

"I just wanted to see if you were okay?" Theo asked worriedly.

"Of course I'm not okay!" Ava snaps. "I just don't understand why Scott won't give her the bite. He says he thinks it will kill her, but isn't she dying anyway, so wouldn't it be better to at least try?"

"I agree with you." Theo said and Ava looked at him suspiciously. "Scott's always spoke about saving people, and it's like he's given up. Unless he's jealous."

"What would he be jealous of?" Ava asks confused.

"Hayden." Theo said and Ava scrunched her eyebrows together. "I get the feeling that he likes you more than an alpha likes their beta."

"So what... you think he's going to let Hayden die to get her out the way?" Ava asks angrily. "Scott wouldn't do that. And he loves Kira."

"Some of the things I've heard him say." Theo said looking worried and slightly repulsed. "He talks about you as if you're an object that he owns."

Anger To Love; Theo Raeken [1]Where stories live. Discover now