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"I don't like you at all. I might even hate you." Ava growled.

Ava hadn't noticed Theo stepping closer to her until she looked up and realised he'd stepped into her room when she subconsciously stepped back. Ava's skin felt like it was on fire as she stared into his piercing blue eyes that were staring back into hers intently. Her heart started beating faster when Theo grabbed her face like he had in the elevator and tilted her head up, pulling her closer to him.

"Are you sure you don't like me?" He whispered against her lips.

Ava licked her lips which suddenly felt dry, her tongue flicked against Theo's lips that were still just barely touching hers.

"I'm sure." She whispered back and pushed her lips more forcefully against his as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Theo let go of her face and wrapped his arms around her waist instead and pulled her forwards so they could feel each other's body against each other. Ava started pulling at Theo's jacket and he quickly began helping and easily slid the material off his arms and then they removed his other jacket that Ava was wearing dropping them both carelessly to the floor. Theo lowered his hands to her ass and lifted her up making Ava wrap her legs around him as he carried her over to her bed. He pushed her down onto the bed and climbed on top of her, straddling her waist.

Ava reached up to pull him closer but he caught her wrists and pinned them down on the soft material of her bed as he began kissing her aggressively. Ava wrapped her legs around him as a way to pull him closer, seeing as her arms were occupied with Theo restraining them with a strong grip that was tightening more every second not that she minded. Ava bit Theo's lip when his tongue invaded her mouth, and she smirked against his mouth when she felt his dick harden between her legs when he thrust his hips forwards.

Theo let go of her wrists to pull his shirt off over his head, whilst he was doing that Ava sat up slightly so she could do the same. Theo grabbed the waistband of Ava's trousers and looked at her questioningly, when she nodded her consent he started pulling her trousers slowly down her legs. Ava lifted her hips to make it easier for Theo to rip them off of her. He started moving down her body, kissing every inch of her from her neck and moving down her stomach.

Ava was moaning with each kiss he planted on her body. Theo seemed to enjoy the noises she was making, as she could hear and feel the groan he let out against her stomach. She could feel his breath move down her stomach and between her legs, she impatiently grabbed his hair to try and get him to do something. The wait was unbearable. Her underwear was already soaked, with her want for him. He chuckled huskily and looked up at her with mischief on his eyes. Ava tightened her grip on his hair as his hands appeared on her hips in a bruising grip as he started to pull down her black, lacy panties.

"Did you ever feel this good with her?"

Ava froze, and so did Theo it seemed when he realised what he just said. It was like she was submerged in icy water. She knew he was talking about Hayden and she had no clue why he would say something like that. She was no longer panting wantonly but growling angrily at the man between her legs.

"Get off." Ava growled and pushed at his bare shoulders. "Why would you say that?"

Theo immediately removed his hands from her body and climbed off of her feeling like a complete prat for bringing up Hayden knowing it would be a sensitive topic for her but he couldn't help himself some times. He didn't even realise he was going to say that and he couldn't always stop himself from blurting out the thoughts in his mind.

All the pleasure Ava was feeling was replaced with anger and disbelief as she pushed him away from her when he tried to reach for her. Ava could feel the regret and self hatred coming off of Theo as he silently watched her, unsure what to do as she angrily pulled all her clothes back on and ran from her room. She could hear Theo shouting her name but she ignored him, when she got downstairs she grabbed his car keys and ran outside. She got in the driver seat of his car and just as she started pulling off from her drive she saw Theo appearing at the front door.

Anger To Love; Theo Raeken [1]Where stories live. Discover now