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Scott and Stiles arrived at Scott's house and quickly went to Scott's bedroom where they found Ava pacing nervously.

"Hayden?" Scott said as he knocked on the door adjoining his bathroom. "It's Scott. I know that you're scared, but we just... we want to help."

Hayden doesn't reply and Scott turns around and steps towards Ava looking down at her. "I can hear her heart beating. She's really freaked out. What happened?"

"She was okay when we got here. I went to text you for two seconds and she locked herself in." Ava explained.

"Why?" Stiles asked.

"I don't know."

"She's definitely a chimera?" Scott asked.

"She said she heard a voice saying, your condition improves." Ava relayed what Hayden told her.

"Okay, that's unsettling." Stiles said and walked over to knock on the door. "Hayden. This is Stiles. Your sister works with my dad down at the station. Look, just open the door, okay? You can trust us."

"We just need to tell you the truth, Hayden." Scott said stepping back in front of the door. "And that kind of thing is usually between face to face. Listen, either you're gonna unlock the door or I'm gonna have to break it open. It's okay if you don't want to talk, or if you're not ready to believe us. But I just... I gotta know that you're okay in there."

It's silent for a moment and Scott gets ready to kick the door down but the lock suddenly clicks and the door is left ajar.

Scott pushes the door and they all look in the dark room and see glowing amber eyes looking back at them. Hayden is looking down at the claws on her fingers in disbelief.

"I believe you." Hayden whimpers.

The plan to keep Hayden safe from the dread doctors was to hide her in the school, which is on telluric currents that effect the dread doctors frequency waves.

Ava and Hayden were hiding out in the boys locker room with Scott and Lydia. Hayden was looking at herself curiously in the mirror.

"Don't worry, you'll learn to control it." Ava tells her.

"I'm not like you." Hayden said.

"I wasn't bitten by a wolf. I was... somebody's science experiment." Hayden said with disgust. "This is so bizarre."

"I know." Ava said. "But you're gonna be okay. I promise."

"What am I?" Hayden asks.

"You're Hayden." Ava grins.

Hayden smiles widely and turns around. "By the way, if you get me out of this, I'll forget all about the sixth grade."

It was getting later and Ava and Hayden were sat leaning against some lockers. Hayden's eyes were drifting shut and she fell asleep on Ava's shoulder. Ava noticed something on the bench in front of her, so she carefully moved herself out from under Hayden's head to not disturb her.

Ava went over to the bag and opened it, there were chains inside. Ava pulled them out and looked at Scott.

"What were you going to do with these?" Ava asks him.

"Brought them just in case." Scott said.

"In case of what?"

"In case we had a chance to catch one of them." Lydia said.

"If we cant make the school a fortress, then maybe we can make it a trap." Scott tried to explain to Ava who was starting to feel angry.

"They're coming for her, doesn't that mean she's the bait?" Ava nodded her head towards Hayden.

Anger To Love; Theo Raeken [1]Where stories live. Discover now