28|I wanna be Captain

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Ava and Scott were out on the lacrosse field practicing together. It was dark out so they were the only ones there on the field. Mason, Corey and a few other students were in the school trying to get extra credit. Well, Mason wasn't, he was just there to help Corey as Mason already had 4.9 GPA.

"Did you feel that?" Scott asked suddenly.

"Feel what?" She asked.

"Thought I heard something." Scott said looking behind him cautiously. "Forget it. All right, let's keep going."

Scott threw the ball to Ava and she caught it in her crosse and placed it next to the other balls she had in front of her.

"Or we could call it." Ava said, she was quite confused why Scott wanted to train when she thought she was fine.

"We gotta work on your back shots." He told her.

"Why?" Ava asked.

"Ava." Scott sighed. "They suck."

"What are you talking about?" Ava asked offended.

"Your back shots." Scott grinned. "Which suck."

Ava had to bite her tongue in order not to say anything and she scooped up one of the balls. Before Scott could even do anything she had thrown the ball over her shoulder and scored in the goal. Then again. And again. Scott missed each time.

"I must've been thinking of someone else." He said when he realised Ava didn't need to improve.

"Yeah. Maybe someone else who should be captain?"

"We'll make it." He said and caught the ball Ava threw to him.

The floodlights started shutting off.

"Well, guess we have to go now." Ava said.

"No, we don't." Scott said smirking.

Scott's eyes turned red, looking at Ava tauntingly. Her eyes glowed amber in return and they carried on training.

Ava suddenly dropped the ball and looked towards the school when she heard something.

"What's wrong?" Scott asked her.

"Something's happening to Mason." Ava said and dropped her crosse and started running towards the school with Scott hot on her tail.

Ava and Scott ran inside the school and quickly got to the library and literally bumped into Mason and Corey. Mason was about to hit them with a fire extinguisher but then he noticed who they were and they all released a relived breath.

"They were here." Mason panted. "The Ghost Riders."

"Here?" Scott asked. "Just now?"

"I thought they left when the storm left." Ava said.

"I guess not, because two of them were right up there." Mason said pointing at the second floor to the library.

"What were they doing?" Scott asked.

"We didn't see when they came in." Mason explained. "We only saw them when we turned invisible."

Ava realised what Mason was saying and she looked at Corey angrily. "You brought him into this?" She asked harshly.

"He was trying to protect me." Mason said and came to stand closer to Ava to calm her down.

"Uh, they didn't seem to care about us." Corey said nervously. "They, they walked right by us."

"Then what happened?" Scott asked.

Mason and Corey didn't say anything for a while they just looked between each other.

Anger To Love; Theo Raeken [1]Where stories live. Discover now